[Nfbmt] monitoring the list

Bruce&Joy Breslauer bjb5757 at bresnan.net
Sun Oct 26 01:17:53 UTC 2014



Who wants to monitor the NFB of Montana list?  Any volunteers?  



About Nfbmt 

Top of Form

English (USA) 

Bottom of Form

This list is sponsored by the National Federation of the Blind, NFB, and the
NFB of Montana. 

The purpose of the NFB of Montana List is to provide blind Montanans and our

families with a forum for discussion of blindness-related 
Issues of concern to the NFB and/or that are unique to Montana. This
listserv is sponsored and run by 
the NFB of Montana, the Montana affiliate of the National 
Federation of the Blind. Discussions will be limited to issues, 
legislation, how-to questions, and literature that affect the blind living 
in the state of Montana. For example, list topics may include discussions 
on rehabilitation services, education, employment, and independent living. 
Everyone is welcome, including blind Montanans of all ages, parents and 
family members of blind children, service providers, and anyone who shares 
an interest in topics relevant to blind Montanans. Discussions must be 
civil and respectful at all times. 



I would suspect that the moderator would moderate with a light hand unless
the discussion gets ugly or severely off topic.  


I'll give you the week end to think about it.  If I haven't heard from some
lucky soul by Monday evening, I'll point the fickle finger of fate at you.
Yes, you heard me, right to you.  I know where you live.



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