[Nfbmt] op-ed on the TEACH Act

Bruce&Joy Breslauer bjb5757 at bresnan.net
Sun Sep 7 19:34:59 UTC 2014

FYI.  Joy 


From: NFB-legislative-directors 

Sent: Saturday, September 06, 2014 5:48 AM
Subject: op-ed on the TEACH Act


Greetings Legislative Directors


I had the following opinion piece published in the Boston Globe online this weekend.  I call out local university presidents who are on the board of the American Council on Education and challenge their baseless opposition to optional accessibility guidelines.

goo.gl/qjvbgvlegislative-diretors at nfbnet.org


Look forward to seeing you around as we continue our work on this and other important issues.  





Kyle Shachmut


National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

(617) 902-0632

kshachmut at nfbma.org


Sent from my iPad

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