[Nfbmt] Brochures

President, NFB of Montana breslauerj at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 01:06:41 UTC 2015

Just to let you know, I now have two boxes of glossy, trifold,
hot-off-the-press NFB of Montana brochures at my house.  Well, they've
probably cooled a bit since they came hot off the press, but if anybody
wants theirs hot, they can nuke it.


Joy Breslauer, President

National Federation of the Blind of Montana 

Address: P.O. Box 1325, Great Falls, MT 59403 

Phone: (406) 454-3096

Email: president at nfbofmt.org

Web Site: www.nfbofmt.org


Live the life you want 


The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.


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