[Nfbmt] Senior Division conference calls 2016

Bruce&Joy Breslauer breslauerj at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 23:53:51 UTC 2016

Once again the Senior Division of the NFB is proud to sponsor four upcoming
conference calls on a variety of topics with moderators presiding over each
call.  We hope these calls provide information and thoughtful discussions in
your local chapter and other senior meetings throughout the year.  
If you have not yet been to a national convention of the NFB, we hope you
will reconsider and come and join us as we meet in Orlando, Florida for our
annual Division meeting Saturday July 2, 2016.  Time and place to be
announced in the agenda.
The numbers to dial are the same:
712-432-1500 with access code:
759633pound.  You will then be asked if this is correct as you hear the
access code repeated that you just dialed.  You are prompted to press (1)  if
the code is correct.  You then announce yourself by stating yor name, and,
you are entered into the conference call.
The time for the calls remains the same as well:
4:00  Eastern,
3:00  Central,
2:00  Mountain, 
1:00  Pacific time.
I understand, in the past, we have had people join us from other time zones
such as Hawaii.  We are delighted that you have joined the call and hope you
will continue to do so.  Please determine for yourself the time to enter the
call if you live in another time zone  other than those listed above.  

the call if missed, can be listened to again with a "playback" number which
will be given a few hours after the calls have taken place. The main playback
number is:  712-432-1202.  You will then be asked to choose from a menu of
numbers from 1 to about 13 up to 17 as each call is put on the list in
sequence of dates in which the conference call took place.  

Calls for Spring 2016
Thursday, march 17, 2016  Losing Vision and Adapting to Life's Changes
moderated by Shelley Copel, South Carolina.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Churchgoing-Making Everyone more Comfortable with Our Blindness moderated by
Tom Anderson, president of the national Association of the Blind in
Communities of Faith, Kansas.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
How To Solve The Little problems in Your Life When Significant Vision Loss
occurs moderated by Jan Bailey, Minnesota.
Wednesday, June8,  2016,  Let's Keep Writing and . Publishing and More,
moderator, from the Writer's Division of the NFB.

In order to obtain the best possible sound for these calls, it is recommended
that each caller, after dialing in, press star 6 which puts you in a "mute"
mode.  You will be able to hear everything during the call but background
noise from your location will not disturb others listening in on the
conversation.  When you wish to speak and enter the discussion, press star 6
once again and you will be released from the "mute" mode and able to
It is also highly recommended that each person wishing to speak state his or
her name and wait for the moderator to recognize you before speaking.  We can
have too many people trying to seek the floor at one time and chaos can
occur.  The moderators will do their very best to recognize as many callers
as possible however, they will determine the order in which speakers poceed.

Again, when finished with your comments, press star 6 once again to go back
into "mute" mode to facilitate better, uncluttered communication for
everyone. If using your speaker on your phone, you can also put the star 6
"mute" mode and listen just the same.  However, in the past, we have heard
people moving about their home with their speaker on.  So, please, please use
the star 6 "mute"  mode so you and everyone else can hear more clearly. 
Please share this information with your friends and especially newcomers to
the federation family.  I look forward to hearing and speaking with many of
you in the next several weeks.
Ruth Sager,
NFB Senior Division 

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