[NFBMT] FW: New On-Demand Webinar: Explore the Solar System with Hadley

Edward Robbins ecrobbins517 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 16:50:00 UTC 2017

Greetings to all,

After the information we received at our NFB of MT convention last month I thought some might want to expand their knowledge beyond or Moon.




EDWARD C "TED" ROBBINS, E-MAIL:  ecrobbins517 at gmail.com

CEO MBEI & Treasurer NFB of Montana 

PHONE & FAX:  406 453 6678, CELL:  406 799 6268




From: Julie S. Tye, President of Hadley Institute [mailto:Jtye at hadley.edu] 
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2017 9:54 AM
To: ecrobbins517 at gmail.com
Subject: New On-Demand Webinar: Explore the Solar System with Hadley






(Photo: A picture of the solar system)



Our NASA series of on-demand webinars continues! In this session, it’s all about the solar system.


Join us as we review what the latest research tells us about how our Solar System formed, why it has the features it has, and what will eventually happen to it and the Universe in the distant future.









Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired creates personalized learning opportunities that empower people to thrive—at home, at work and in their communities.








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This message was sent to  <mailto:ecrobbins517 at gmail.com> ecrobbins517 at gmail.com from  <mailto:Jtye at hadley.edu> Jtye at hadley.edu

Julie S. Tye, President of Hadley Institute 
Hadley Institute for the Blind and Visually Impaired
700 Elm Street
Winnetka, IL 60093


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