[NFBMT] Voting Systems for Voters With Disabilities

rjaquiss rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Sat Feb 17 16:34:36 UTC 2018

Hello Everyone:

     In Oregon, disabled access is provided two ways:
1. If a voter has a PC and a printer, he/she can go to a site and fill out a
ballot. The resulting filled out ballot is then printed. The printed ballot
is then sent in using Oregon's vote by mail envelopes.
2. If a disabled person does not have computer access, a person from the
local county clerk's office visits the person's home with an iPad and

FYI: Oregon does not have poling places. All elections are done using mail
in ballots. 
When I lived in Louisiana, voting machines were used. Each polling location
was supposed to have an accessible machine. My experience was that I had to
tell the poll workers how to get the voice system started. 



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