[NFBMT] Fake Service Animals

president at nfbofmt.org president at nfbofmt.org
Tue Mar 12 17:07:26 UTC 2019

Hi All,

Almost all of us detest those who pretend their pet is a service animal.
Thing is, we need to figure out what the real barriers are to the use of
service animals in our communities, then develop ways to assure access.

Yesterday, I testified on behalf of the NFB-MT before the House Judiciary
Committee on HB 439, a bill that would punish those who use fake service
animals.  We opposed HB 439 for two primary reasons.  

First, we already enjoy protections against fake service animals in federal
law.  The problem is that folks need to know how to enforce those rules, not
to add more rules on top of what we already enjoy.  In addition, it's hard
to get exactly the right kind of rules.  HB 439 should be amended to conform
to federal law.

Second, HB 439 goes too far and threatens legitimate users of service
animals.  The zeal to confront fraud is important in the right amounts.
However, too much enthusiasm can and will puts service animal users on the
defensive.  A balance should be struck.  The NFB-MT believes that HB 439
should be amended to fix its problems, or it should be tabled in the

The greater problem for guide dog users is the deliberate or negligent harm
to our guide dogs.  Montana law includes no provisions for fines or
restitution when our guide dogs are hurt or killed by someone else's action
or failure to act.  For example, unsupervised lose dogs may attack our guide
dogs as we make our way in our communities.  Montana should hold accountable
all those who let their dogs run wild.  The NFB-MT will soon have a bill
that would address this very real and very important problem.  As soon as we
know the bill number, we will let you know how to support it.

Meanwhile, back to fake service animals and HB 439.  Please let the members
of the Judiciary Committee know you oppose the bill as written because the
bill will do more harm than good.  Thank you for your action.  Here is the
link to message the Judiciary Committee for your opposition to HB 439:


Jim Marks
President, National Federation of the Blind of Montana
president at nfbofmt.org
(406) 438-1421

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