[NFBMT] Agenda for 2019 NFB-MT Convention
president at nfbofmt.org
president at nfbofmt.org
Tue Oct 8 02:39:44 UTC 2019
Attached as well as cut and pasted below is the agenda for our 2019 National Federation of the Blind of Montana Convention.
Jim Marks
President, National Federation of the Blind of Montana
president at nfbofmt.org
(406) 438-1421
Agenda 2019 NFBMT Convention
Welcome to the Seventh Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Montana!
Friday-Saturday, October 11-12, 2019
FairBridge Inn
Missoula, Montana 59804
Jim Marks, President, National Federation of the Blind of Montana
John Paré National Representative, National Federation of the Blind
THEME: Building Partnerships
About the National Federation of the Blind of Montana
The National Federation of the Blind of Montana is a consumer civil rights organization in which the blind and interested sighted persons come together
in monthly local chapter meetings and annual statewide conventions to improve the lives of blind people through advocacy, education, research, technology,
and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence. The NFB of Montana works toward the removal of legal, economic, and social barriers to full
participation by blind people in all aspects of community life. We are not an organization speaking for the blind; we are the blind speaking for ourselves.
• You must be registered for the convention in order for your name to be drawn for door prizes! Please come to the registration table to pick up your registration packet. Registration will be open from 1:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Friday afternoon outside the meeting room, and 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. on Saturday morning inside the meeting room.
• Please bring door prizes to the Registration Table.
• You must be present in the meeting room when your name is drawn in order to collect your door prize!
• Want to go to next year's convention absolutely free? At the banquet Saturday evening, we will have a drawing for the grand door prize, an all-expenses paid trip to next year's NFB of Montana convention, plus two hundred dollars cash. To take advantage of this exciting opportunity, you must be present in the banquet room when your name is drawn in order to win the Grand Door Prize.
Friday afternoon, October 11, 2019
• 3:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.: vendors
• 3:00 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.: Registration. Please pick up your packet at the registration table.
Friday Evening, October 11, 2019
• 7:00 P.M.: Convention Call to Order: Meeting room.
Welcome to Missoula:
• Welcome to the Seventh Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Montana:
Jim Marks, President
• Invocation: Bruce Breslauer
• Welcome to Missoula; The Hon. John Engen Mayor of Missoula
• Moment of Silence for those who have passed on from our midst
• Color Guard
• The Star Spangled Banner: All sing together
• The Pledge of Allegiance:
• The NFB Pledge: I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.
• The One Minute Message: The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
• The NFB Brand Promise: Together with love, hope, and determination, we transform dreams into reality.
• The NFB Tag Line: Live The Life You Want
• The PAC Plan in Montana: Ted Robbins, Montana PAC Plan Coordinator
• The PAC Plan Song, (sing it twice): Get on the PAC Plan. Sign up today. We need your contributions right away. Funding our movement, it must be done, So that our battles can be won.
• Welcome from our National Representative, John Paré
• 7:25 P.M.: Introduction of Vendors
• 7:30 P.M.: MSDB report, Carol Clayton-bye and Barbara Peterson.
• 8:15 P.M.: Reading of Resolutions
• 8:45 P.M.: Nominating Committee Meeting: Closed. This is the only meeting of the weekend not open to the general membership, but only to those appointed to the committee. The Committee consists of the three Montana Chapter Presidents.
• 8:45 P.M.: Hospitality and Refreshments.
Saturday morning, October 12, 2019
General Session I: The meeting room
• 8:30 A.M.: Board meeting -- all are welcome
• 9:00 A.M. to 12:15 P.M.: Registration.
• Vendors are open during breaks and lunch.
• 9:00 A.M.: Call to order and Welcome, Jim Marks, President, NFB of Montana!
• 9:00 A.M.: Invocation: Ted Robbins.
• 9:05 A.M.: Introduction of Vendors.
• 9:10 A.M.: NFB national report John Paré.
• 9:40 A.M.: NFB of Montana President's Report, Jim Marks.,
• 10:00 A.M.: Break
• 10:15 A.M.: Resolutions.
• 11:00 Chapter Reports
• 11:30 A.M.: Elections for three board positions.
• 12:00 P.M. to 1:15 P.M.: Lunch and panel discussion.
• Jimmy John’s Sandwiches for Those Who Pre-Ordered Them.
• Montana’s Engagement in Civil Rights: George Kerscher, Travis Moses, and Jim Marks
• 1:15 P.M.: Where do we meet next year?
Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2019
General Session II: The meeting room
• 1:45 P.M.: Call to order
• 1:45 P.M.: The PAC Plan in Montana: Ted Robbins, Montana PAC Plan Coordinator The PAC Plan Song: (sing it twice) Get on the PAC Plan. Sign up today. We need your contributions right away. Funding our movement, it must be done, So that our battles can be won.
• 2:00 P.M.: Report from Blind and Low Vision Services, Beverly Berg.
• 2:30 P.M.: Regional library report, Jessica Edwards
• 3:00 P.M.: Break.
• 3:15 P.M.: Montech, what is it and how to use it.
• 3:45 P.M.: • Accessing books, background and current status; It's essential for school and career: George Kerscher.
• 4:00 P.M.: General Discussion: What Do We Want Our Organization To Accomplish In the Upcoming Year?
• 4:30 P.M. History; Blind people in Montana, Peggy Chong the Blind History Lady.
• 5:00 P.M.: Adjourn
Saturday evening, October 12 ,2018
Banquet: Banquet Room, Served buffet by the Notorious P.I.G Barbeque
Master of Ceremonies: Sheila Leigland
• 7:00 P.M.: Welcome to our Banquet: Jim Marks, President, NFB of Montana
• Invocation: Robert Jaquiss
• Banquet Speaker: John Paré, NFB National Representative
• Awards
• Sharing Time: Ted Robbins
• 50/50 Raffle
• Drawing for Grand Door Prize
• Adjourn
A sincere Thank You to all who contributed time and effort to make this convention a success, including our National Representative John Paré, our sound man extraordinaire Sam Robbins, the NFB of Montana Convention Planning Committee, And all of the NFB of Montana chapters and members who work together to make this possible.
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