[NFBMT] MTBL Report to NFB
rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 11 02:51:57 UTC 2019
Hello Everyone:
The Montana Library for the Blind has sent a report. Since it was in
PDF, I converted it so it can be read. The report is below my signature. See
you all soon.
Date: October 12, 2019
To: National Federation of the Blind Convention, Missoula, MT
2019 Montana Talking Book Library Report
What's happening at MSL?
Karen Dimmitt left MSL in March and Martin Landry accepted the position of
Circulation Clerk. Martin previously worked for MSL as a Readers' Advisor,
managing patrons with last names beginning with A-G.
Melissa Wallace joined MSL as a Readers' Advisor in April and covered
patrons with last names beginning with A-G. Unfortunately, Melissa recently
left MSL and we are working to fill her position as soon as possible. In the
meantime, Jackie Crepeau (H-O) and Sarah Karasch (P-Z) are helping to cover
patrons with last names beginning with A-G.
As of early September, we have 2,507 patrons actively using the Talking Book
service. That number does not include the 1,359 patrons whose accounts
currently show as suspended due to inactivity or a request to pause service.
Often these patrons become active again, which brings our patron count to
We recently completed the following titles and they are available for
Blood on the Marias: The Baker Massacre by Paul R. Wylie
They Left Their Tracks: Recollections of Sixty Years as a
Bob Marshall Wilderness Outfitter by Howard Copenhaver (DBC10130)
Montana: Then and Now by Aaron Parrett (DBC10160)
Montana for Kids: The Story of Our State by Allen Morris
We are currently working on the following titles. They should be available
for checkout soon:
56 Counties: A Montana Journey by Russell Rowland (This book
is in
high demand! Production experienced many delays due to family
emergencies experienced by volunteers working on the book, but it is
now in post-production and Erin Harris is finishing up the editing
Montana Women from the Ground Up: Passionate Voices in
Agriculture and Land Conservation by Kristine Ellis
However, please be aware that recording and editing is still dependent on
staffing and volunteer availability.
In 2018, 670 of our locally-recorded Montana books had not yet been
converted to digital and were only available in analog (cassette) format.
The MSL Commission approved the use of MSL trust monies to convert
these recordings to digital format. From April 2018 to April 2019, MSL staff
and volunteers worked to prepare shipments of master reels and print
copies of books to Potomac Talking Book Services in Rockville, Maryland.
A total of 59 boxes were shipped. As books were returned to MSL, the
newly digital titles were added to our catalog and made available to
patrons. When the project was completed in April 77% of the converted
titles had already circulated to patrons at least once, with many going out
patrons as soon as they were received back from the conversion process.
A small percentage of titles were unable to be converted and are being
reviewed to determine whether they can be re-recorded by MSL volunteers.
Unfortunately, NLS is still having technical issues with BARD, so not all
books have been uploaded and made available for download. Once the
upload process is repaired, we will add the remaining converted titles to
The National Library Service declared the RC (recorded cassette) format
and C1 players obsolete as of December 31, 2017. We have held off on
removing C1 players as many of our Montana recordings were only
available in RC format. Now that the digital conversion process is complete,
we will be removing C1 players from our inventory and returning them to
NLS. We will be sending letters asking patrons with C1 players to return
them to MSL as we will no longer be sending cassette books or repairing
the players. C1 players will be sent to an NLS-designated site to be
What's happening at NLS?
NLS will be changed its name from National Library Service for the Blind
and Physically Handicapped the National Library Service for the Blind and
Print Disabled. There will also be a new logo. This change took place on
October 1, 2019.
NLS is still working on a next-generation talking book player. It will have
internet connectivity, so users would be able to download books from
BARD directly onto the player. It's still several years away.
NLS plans to launch a pilot of braille eReaders in the summer of 2020. The
pilot will involve two devices: one manufactured by Humanware and one
manufactured by Zoomax. The purpose of the braille eReader pilot is to
test the functionality of both eReader devices, collect feedback from pilot
patrons, and validate distribution processes at network libraries.
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