[NFBMT] MTCIL Action Alert: HB 643: Allowing a Disabled Voter to Electronically Return a Ballot

BRUCE&JOY BRESLAUER breslauerj at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 13:56:19 UTC 2021

Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 8:39 PM
Subject: MTCIL Action Alert: HB 643: Allowing a Disabled Voter to Electronically Return a Ballot


 <http://yp0yjtnl.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/http:%2F%2Flaws.leg.mt.gov%2Flegprd%2FLAW0208W%2524BLAC.QueryView%3FP_BILL_DFT_NO=LC0137%26P_BLAC_APPL_SEQ=25%26P_SESS=20211%26P_CARR=/1/010101785cf33464-bfa4e5a5-9304-4c99-be7f-b9360c25474a-000000/gqWdXQnm2pn_NbVHidv4Mm8k4pY=206> On Wednesday, March 24th at 9:00 a.m., the  <http://yp0yjtnl.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/http:%2F%2Flaws.leg.mt.gov%2Flegprd%2FLAW0240W%2524CMTE.ActionQuery%3FP_COM_NM=(H)%2BState%2BAdministration%26P_ACTN_DTM=%26U_ACTN_DTM=%26Z_ACTION2=Find%26P_SESS=20211/1/010101785cf33464-bfa4e5a5-9304-4c99-be7f-b9360c25474a-000000/bwR4_1fjQhvscyyMqGwTWlGJgvo=206> House State Administration Committee

will hold a hearing on  <http://yp0yjtnl.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/http:%2F%2Flaws.leg.mt.gov%2Flegprd%2FLAW0210W%2524BSIV.ActionQuery%3FP_BILL_NO1=0643%26P_BLTP_BILL_TYP_CD=HB%26Z_ACTION=Find%26P_SESS=20211/1/010101785cf33464-bfa4e5a5-9304-4c99-be7f-b9360c25474a-000000/3TTpElMXiU9XaTOx8gCHckMZn0Q=206> HB 643, a bill allowing a disabled voter to electronically return a ballot.


Since the passage of HB 400 during the 2015 Montana legislative session, voters with disabilities have been able to request an electronic ballot through the Electronic Ballot Request System (EBRS), which was intended to provide an accessible means for voters with disabilities to cast accessible, private absentee/mail ballots. However, due to these electronic ballots needing to be printed out and then placed in a regular absentee ballot envelope, this means of voting that was supposed to make the process more accessible was really not all that accessible and, therefore, rarely utilized.


Montana already has a good electronic ballot process in place for military and overseas voters where they not only receive a ballot electronically, they are also able to return their ballot electronically. Allowing voters with disabilities to return their ballots via a secure, encrypted electronic transmission system would make the EBRS system fully accessible and allow voters with disabilities to truly cast accessible, independent, and private absentee/mail ballots. This is the only piece of the system left to implement to make the electronic ballot system for voters with disabilities truly accessible.


 <https://yp0yjtnl.r.us-west-2.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Figniteadvocacy.com%2Fgo%2Fhb-643-allowing-a-disabled-voter-to-electronically-return-a-ballot%2F156/1/010101785cf33464-bfa4e5a5-9304-4c99-be7f-b9360c25474a-000000/1qhqFy-ZuPMAtHUilmw2fYGBb0M=206> Please contact members of the House State Administration Committee and ask for their support of HB 643 to make the electronic ballot system for voters with disabilities, first approved by the 2015 Legislature, truly accessible.


Submit an Email to Committee Members:


We've prewritten a message for you but please personalize your message to let legislators know how important HB 643 is to you!

Testify Remotely: To request the hearing Zoom information, please visit https://leg.mt.gov/public-testimony/ and select the bill you wish to testify on, fill out your information, and check yes next to the line indicating you would like to testify via Zoom. You must request a Zoom link for this hearing by NOON on Tuesday, March 23rd and be sure to select HB-643, and proponent from the appropriate drop-down lists.


Testify in person: Room 455 in the Capitol building in Helena


Leave a message via phone: 406-444-4800


Joy Breslauer, Advocacy and Public Policy Committee Chair 

National Federation of the Blind of Montana 

Web Site: http://www.nfbofmt.org <http://www.nfbofmt.org/> 


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The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.

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