[NFBMV] Minutes for June Meeting

Robert Spangler spangler.robert at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 14:57:08 UTC 2017

Hello all:

Please find the June minutes attached.  The body decided that there will be
no meeting in July.

Tim, could you please email me a current roster so that I can ensure that
the Google Sheet one is updated?  I'm still a little perplexed as to why we
are maintaining separate rosters.  The whole point of setting up the Google
sheet was to have one central location for the data, which anyone to whom I
delegate access can read.  Currently, this is myself and Tim.  I've really
been trying to make this easier on us!

I attempted to search the web for the article that Mike read about Dr.
Peters to no avail.  If anyone else finds it, please email the list.

On another topic, I went back through the minutes to January at least and
found that we always motioned to accept and seconded the treasurer report,
similar to everything else we pass.  I would respectfully request that, any
time we make changes to procedures such as this, it be discussed with the
body beforehand.  I am easily thrown off by abrupt changes like this and I'm
sure that I'm not the only one.


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