[NFBN-Announce] FW: ATP Advisory Council: Your help is needed!

jamie.richey16 at gmail.com jamie.richey16 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 20:31:42 UTC 2024



If you are a member who has a brain injury or provides care to someone with a brain injury, please fill this survey out. It helps our state identify gaps in service to people with brain injuries and the people who love and care for them.


Nancy Coffman


From: Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership <nancy at nebraskaassistivetechnologypartnership.ccsend.com <mailto:nancy at nebraskaassistivetechnologypartnership.ccsend.com> > 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 2:22 PM
To: Coffman, Nancy <nancy.coffman at nebraska.gov <mailto:nancy.coffman at nebraska.gov> >
Subject: ATP Advisory Council: Your help is needed!


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To: ATP Advisory Council: Your help is needed!


Nebraska VR and the Nebraska Brain Injury Advisory Council are conducting a statewide brain injury needs assessment. Surveys have been designed to get input from individuals with brain injury, their families, and service providers.


That's where you come in-will you complete the survey to help identify service gaps and barriers? Will you promote the survey and share the flyer with others?

1.  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D-YI19v5B54sNKxDG75bIr3uDLH67Q5nI-Kt177kODG_IIfg6uwqnIYvnYXAiSPXka-FZ67RBC4j054ini1FxAbCcqqXdNhP7YYZX_KOUa1owpTr4V5AncoZP9ZtPTaa4089kg-mNos=&c=UjxIBuEzwbvGxJXPZ28Hcu7pwkoArmsVMSlZ0IZkXAWusnKBgLE-_Q==&ch=Ilx5bP4_qEBdx3umqU2rX2QxbdMJ3QXSmUntoXDtXjxVSHZrnI_BBA==> Take the survey (Use this link or the QR code below)

2.  <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001D-YI19v5B54sNKxDG75bIr3uDLH67Q5nI-Kt177kODG_IIfg6uwqnIYvnYXAiSPXRoxBA0cX-J5mPpyFk9PQ59DEtf0hGj-ZpAd_5FPHwGNAytRWn2wN1VC4fc5-ZLHgm9tfgpugu-dnaooJXNvtfWMGikcSuG5v-nxtuAXVFO1FNFhXfR153Rq9G_oZWwaHhMX14yHhU0S4kFUuJ2CT0TZ2SKdf3WuYArgLA4VBipk=&c=UjxIBuEzwbvGxJXPZ28Hcu7pwkoArmsVMSlZ0IZkXAWusnKBgLE-_Q==&ch=Ilx5bP4_qEBdx3umqU2rX2QxbdMJ3QXSmUntoXDtXjxVSHZrnI_BBA==> Share the flyer with individuals with brain injury, their families, and service providers to help promote the surveys


Thank you for taking time to make a difference in the future of brain injury in Nebraska!







Nebraska's 2024 Brain Injury Needs Assessment

Deadline: April 12, 2024

Questions:  <mailto:liz at pievaluation.com> Contact Liz @ Partners for Insightful Evaluation

(402) 413-8710

Phone and printed surveys (including large print) are available upon request.


Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership | 500 S. 84th Street, Lincoln, NE 68510-2611 

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