[Nfbnet-members-list] FW: Paid Opportunity for TalkBack/Android Users to Give Feedback at the NFB National Convention

dandrews920 at comcast.net dandrews920 at comcast.net
Wed Jun 26 22:38:50 UTC 2024



Do you use TalkBack on Android? Share your knowledge to help Google better understand how to improve your experience. Participants will receive a $75 gift code by email, as a token of our appreciation.
Sign up to participate in a 30-minute research study <https://forms.gle/bFWkG3E6KR1rmpQM7>  or email claramc at google.com <mailto:claramc at google.com> . Study sessions will be on Wed 7/3, Thurs 7/4, or Fri 7/5. 
Google also has a Trusted Tester research panel for ongoing accessibility-related research opportunities. If you are interested in enrolling, please see g.co/a11ytt <http://g.co/a11ytt>  to apply.




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