[Nfbnet-students-list] NABS still needs your help!

Kathryn Webster kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 13:33:59 UTC 2015

Good morning all!


                Whether you have just begun your fall semester or are
joyfully relaxing during your last few weeks of freedom, I hope everyone is
having a great week thus far!

The National Association of Blind Students has been quick at work as we
recently welcomed new leaders to our Board, while happily welcoming back our
continuing members.

As most of you know, NABS is working on a new initiative. This year, we have
a goal of raising $3,750 in order to sponsor students to attend Washington
Seminar. Once this number is met, our National Center has agreed to match
that number. This means that, if all goes well, we will have $7,500 to
financially help students among our affiliates attend a week of advocacy,
leadership development, networking, and intellectual engagement.


                Now, what I need from you. The NABS Board cannot do this
alone. As the newly appointed Chair of the Fundraising Committee, I am
asking for your help.

Whether you have not had any experience fundraising or are a master when it
comes to grant writing, I would love your involvement! As a committee, we
will have monthly conference calls, lasting at most an hour, to brainstorm
and discuss as a committee. Outside of that, I will help each of you work on
your independent tasks so that we all get the most out of this committee!


How awesome would it be to be partly responsible for sending our members to
Washington D.C. in late January to experience an unforgettable week of
enlightenment and professional interaction?

Don't you want to help our fellow students gain confidence when speaking
with our nation's political leaders?

Are you interested in learning how to outreach with large corporations,
grant write, or formally send business-like letters to small companies?


If you said yes to any of these questions, then please reach out to me by
either email at kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
<mailto:kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com>  or via telephone at 203-273-8463.


I am eager to begin working with you all in order to help reach our goals
and promote independence, leadership, and prosperity.

We can live the life we want. It's time for NABS to be represented at a
greater scale as we advocate for issues that impact us directly!


Thank you in advance; and I look forward to hearing from you.


Live the life you want,

Kathryn Webster

Secretary/Treasurer | National Association of Blind Students

President | North Carolina Association of Blind Students

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