[Nfbnet-students-list] NABS Notes -- August 2015

Hindley Williams hbwilliams16 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 20:39:03 UTC 2015

Hello Fellow Students,
For those of you who have started, or about to start, school this
semester, I wish you all a great beginning to your year!
Below and attached, you will find the August edition of NABS Notes.
If you have any suggestions of how the NABS Notes can be improved,
please feel free to email me at hbwilliams16 at gmail.com. I would love
to hear your thoughts!
All Best,

NABS Notes August 2015

IN this edition of NABS’ monthly bulletin:

1.	NABS and Connecticut Partner on Exciting Regional Legislative Workshop
2.	Connect with NABS on Social Media
3.	Share Your Training Center Story
4.	State Liaison Reassignments
5.	State Updates
6.	Meeting Minutes

NABS and Connecticut Partner on Exciting Regional Legislative Workshop

NABS is thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with the
Connecticut affiliate to run an interactive legislative workshop to
help students build legislative advocacy skills. On Saturday, November
7 in New London, Connecticut, several members of the NABS board and
other student leaders will be running a legislative workshop that is
being sponsored by the Connecticut Affiliate. Students will learn how
to effectively interact with Congress in meetings and influence laws
through grass roots advocacy to advance the agenda of blind Americans.
Attendees will also gain an understanding of current policy issues
impacting blind students and have the chance to practice their skills
in mock meetings. Connecticut has generously offered to cover the cost
of registration for the workshop and ticket to the NFB of Connecticut
banquet later that night for the first 20 students who register. The
workshop is being run in conjunction with the NFB of Connecticut state
convention. For details about the workshop, or to request a link to
register to attend, please contact Kathryn Webster at:
Kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com

Connect with NABS on Social Media

As we begin a new year of spreading our message of hope to all blind
students across our nation, the NABS communications committee is
recommitting itself to social media involvement and engagement. We are
now regularly updating our Facebook and Twitter feeds with the latest
information about NABS, our state divisions, and the NFB at-large. We
are also combing the Web for inspirational and informative articles
which are of interest to blind students. Our social media platforms
are becoming happening places, and we want you to get in on the
excitement! All you have to do is friend NABS on Facebook by searching
for Nabs Link and sending us a friend request, and follow us on
Twitter by searching for @nabslink and clicking that awesome "follow"
button. Then sit back and watch as information, inspiration and
entertainment roll into your timeline or news feed. We also want to
hear about cool articles or posts you come across which you would like
to share with blind students nationwide. Please send your findings to
Chris Nusbaum at dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com. He will read your
submissions and determine whether to share them on NABS social media.
Whether it's by liking or favoriting, sharing or retweeting, let's get
connected, get involved and get active! See you on social media!

Share Your Training Center Story

Are you a graduate of BLIND Inc., The Colorado Center for the Blind or
the Louisiana Center for the Blind?  Do you have a story to tell about
how receiving quality training at one of these world-class adjustment
to blindness training centers helped you raise your expectations,
confidence and perceptions of blindness?    Did receiving the training
that you did truly allow you to live the life you want?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then the National
Association of Blind Students wants and needs to hear from you!
 We want to share with those who’ve thought about training, those who
haven’t yet seriously considered training, and blindness professionals
such as vocational rehabilitation counselors, the triumphs, challenges
and transformation to independence that come from attending a training

We want to show that no matter where you are or where you want to be,
what you know or what you want to know, the investment of time is well
worth the payoff that comes once you complete the program.

If you want to share with us your story so that it might be featured
on the National association of Blind Students website please contact
Darian Smith at:
 dsmithnfb at gmail.com.

State Liaison Reassignments

Due to a recent resignation, the following states have been reassigned
to the following NABS Board members. Please do not hesitate to reach
out to your respective State Liaison with any questions or concerns.

Connecticut: Kathryn Webster, kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
Indiana: Chris Nusbaum, dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com
Maine: Michael Ausbun, mausbun at unr.edu
Massachusetts: Kathryn Webster, kathrynwebster.nfb at gmail.com
New Hampshire: Chris Nusbaum, dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com
Montana: Garret Mooney, gmanmesa at gmail.com
Vermont: Hindley Williams, hbwilliams16 at gmail.com

State Updates:

Announcements appear below as they were received from their senders.
No effort to edit these announcements has been made on the part of

Hello from the Arizona student division! During the 75th National
Convention, we held our annual pizza party for the Colorado Center and
the SAAVI students. This is a great way for our Association to network
and recruit new students around some great food and fun. With the
Arizona State Convention quickly approaching on September 11 through
the 13, we have been hard at work planning for an enlightening and
engaging Convention. During Convention, we will be holding elections
for the AZSA board. Our current president, Garret Mooney, will be
stepping down at the end of his term and we are looking forward to his
continued success and involvement on the NABS board and NFB overall.
We invite everyone out to share in the Arizona heat with us during our
annual convention, taking place in Phoenix!

Maryland, Delaware, Washington, D.C, and Virginia:
Last month, students from the Maryland, Delaware, D.C., and Virginia
areas gathered at the NFB’s National center in Baltimore to learn from
experienced leaders, network with other students, and gain the skills
necessary to being a critical part of their state student division.
The seminar had 21 attendees, and a variety of speakers and
presentations. Each of these four affiliates looks forward to what is
in store for their students in the future from these enthusiastic
seminar attendees!

Exciting things are still happening in the state of Nevada! We are
happy to inform everyone that the planning for the Western Student
Seminar is still in progress. Due to a desire to make it most
affordable for the largest number of people, we have changed the
location to Las Vegas. The date has been set for the weekend of March
25-27. Stay posted for future updates concerning hotel information,
agendas, guest speakers, and the like. Hope to see you all there! The
Nevada State convention will be taking place October 30 – November 1
at the main Street Station Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada. Everyone is
welcome to come out and enjoy the Freemont street experience!

North Carolina:
The North Carolina Association of Blind Students is preparing for what
is going to be a phenomenal State Convention. Our event takes place in
Wilmington, North Carolina from September 18-20. We are excited to
welcome our national student representative, President Sean Whalen, to
the Tar Heel state. In addition to a pizza dinner Friday night and an
engaging Business Meeting for lunch at Olive Garden on Saturday, we
will have great presentations from national rep Anil Lewis and Sean
Whalen. Early Saturday morning, our students will have the option to
learn from trained professionals how to surf on the beachy waters of
Wilmington! Finally, we have creative fundraisers planned, including a
jail break fundraiser, a popcorn/drink sale, and a lollipop raffle.
Our annual elections will take place over lunch, so we’re eager to
welcome the new leaders of organization!

The Ohio Association of Blind Students is already preparing for our
affiliate convention which will take place Nov 19-21 at the Doubletree
Hotel in Independence Ohio. The division will most likely have a
fundraiser of some sort and is interested in trying new ideas. Our
seminar will take place from 12:00-2:00 on Nov 21 and board elections
among other business items will be handled at that time. Our current
focus is our application for the Gavel Award competition, which
recognizes the best chapter, best division, and the most improved
chapter or division for the year. Last year OABS won the award for
most improved division, but we hope to make the leap to best division
this year.  We are also excited to have NFB 1st Vice President and
former Ohio student Pam Allen as our national rep.

Washington is getting ready for our state convention Friday, October
30 through Sunday, November 1. One of the most exciting parts of
convention will be during the pizza lunch for students on Saturday
when we officially revitalize our student division!

As many of you know, revitalization takes a lot of work, and we need
help to welcome students into our affiliate. If you would like to
attend our convention, join the student division, and assist us as we
prepare, please email me at clb5590 at gmail.com. We need your help and
look forward to building the federation one student at a time in

We also have a scholarship program with a fast approaching deadline,
September 18, and we will be welcoming our own NABS president, Sean
Whalen as our NABS rep to the convention. Our affiliate also welcomes
NFB of Utah president and newly elected NFB board member, Everett
Bacon as our national rep, and we look forward to an exhibit hall
Friday afternoon and a social event fundraiser Friday evening. Read on
for all of the convention and scholarship program details!

Convention Information
Hotel: Red Lion Hotel, Seattle Airport
18220 International Blvd, Seattle
Room Rates: $99 + tax per night for any size room!
Call (206) 246-5535 for reservations
Use promo code NFBW2015 to get the discounted rate!

Registration and Banquet: $60 until September 30, $70 after
A registration link is coming soon. Please email clb5590 at gmail.com if
you would like the registration link sent directly to your inbox.

Scholarship Program

Each year, the National Federation of the Blind of Washington awards 2
Washington residents who are full-time undergraduate or graduate
students scholarships, one in the amount of $2,000 and one in the
amount of $3,000. Applications will be accepted through September 18,
and can be found here. All application materials should be submitted
scholarships at nfbw.orgScholarship winners will receive assistance to
attend the entire NFBW convention, and students will not learn which
of the two scholarships they will receive until the banquet. Remember
to pass on this information to all of your friends in Washington, and
please be in in touch to learn how you can make history by joining the
revitalized student division!

Meeting Minutes

National Association of Blind Students
Board Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2015
Meeting called to order at 9:01 p.m.

Members Present:
 Sean Whalen (President)
Candice Chapman (1st Vice President)
Bre Brown (2nd Vice President)
Kathryn Webster (Secretary)
Hindley Williams (Board Member 1)
James Garret Mooney (Board Member 2)
Chris Nusbaum (Board member 3)
Michael Ausbun (Board Member 4)

Derek Manners has resigned as Treasurer of NABS; Sean will address
next steps this week.

 Treasurer’s Report:
Checking account balance: $4,741.90
There is an outstanding check in the amount of $100.00
A check to Stitch Ville needs to be done
Awaiting a deposit of $123.44 from Gofundme donations
Committee Reports
 Communications: Brown, Nusbaum, and Williams
Ten responses from recruitment email; everyone has been contacted. The
conference call will be next Sunday.
 Fundraising: Ausbun, Webster, and Whalen
Began creating a list for grant and donation requests. Michael will
begin reaching out to corporate donors for Washington Seminar auction.
Kate and Sean made funding packet for local businesses/student
organizations; this will be sent out early this week to board for
Kate made a Gofundme page
 Legislative: Whalen and Webster
We had our first conference call last Thursday. Each member of the
committee will be assigned a certain number of states. There, they
will collect letters and recruit student leaders on campuses for
college support.
We plan to work very closely with National throughout all our efforts.
 Membership: Chapman
Solid recruitment; having conference call either Wednesday or Thursday
of this week.
Start working on membership database and student division rosters to
amplify our outreach.
 Website: Webster
Has been updated.
Blog articles and NABS Notes are being posted regularly. The donation
link has been put on our homepage. Bre and Kate will be adding a link
to various scholarships on our homepage soon.
 State Liaisons: How it works and how it differs from NABS Reps
NABS Reps are those chosen to represent NABS at State Convention and
other relevant events. State Liaisons are NABS Board members who have
been assigned certain states. Regardless of region, NABS leadership
will stay in close contact with their state student divisions.
 Old Business:
NABS Repr Request forms from Washington and California
Garret is available for California; he will check prices.
Motion made by Kate to send Garret to California at a maximum of $200
for airfare; motion carries.
Sean is available for Washington; price is $255.
Motion made by Kate to send Sean to Washington for $255; motion carries.
 New Business:
Funding students to Washington Seminar: outline of the program and next steps
Sean will be talking with National.
General consensus that an application process should be in place.
Affiliate presidents should be contacted in order to provide
recommendations for perspective students.
We would like to have a subcommittee with NABS leaders and National
leaders to make final decisions on those students that will be
 Meeting adjourned at: 10:04 p.m.
 Submitted by,
Kathryn Webster | Secretary

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions,
concerns or suggestions. The NABS Board works for you, and we want to
know how we’re doing! Thanks for reading, and we’ll be back in

Sean Whalen
President, National Association of Blind Students
(608) 332-4147
President at nabslink.org

Hindley Williams
hbwilliams16 at gmail.com
(443) 823-0867
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