[Nfbnet-students-list] Are you beginning college in the fall of 2017? This opportunity is for you!

Kathryn Webster, NABS President nabs.president at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 14:00:02 UTC 2017

Good morning students:


For those who are planning on starting college in the fall of this year,
look no further. Enclosed, you will find an announcement regarding a special
offer for those interested. Please direct any questions to me at
nabs.president at gmail.com <mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com> . A huge thank
you to Aira for continuing a lasting partnership with the national
Federation of the Blind, most notably, our students.


Back to School Aira Award

Eligibility Requirements

*         Students entering into a university/college program in the Fall of

*         Students attending the National Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind


How to Win?

We love great stories! During the 2017 National Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind, we're looking for students to share a story with
our judges in a 1-minute pitch.

When: Wednesday, July 12 from 8-10pm

Where: National association of Blind Students (NABS) Olympics

Location: Wekiwa 4, level 2


1-Minute Pitch

Tell us how technology benefits you in achieving independence in your daily

This story should highlight one idea on how a service like Aira could help
make your transition to this exciting stage of your life the best it can be.


Helpful hints:

*         Briefly describe the challenge.  It could be navigating a new
campus or city, mastering a transportation system or shopping for items in
the campus bookstore.

*         Tell us how a visual assistant service might help. Beyond
providing visual cues, how might a service like this make you feel.

*         Tell us what features you make this an even more autonomous
offering.  What would you add or change to enhance your abilities to act
even more independently?


Why Participate?

Initially, college students typically face challenges in the fast-moving
environment of higher education or campus life. Access to visual and
environmental information whenever and wherever they need it can help
navigate these challenges.  Your story helps us understand those challenges
and helps us create the best solution for your needs.


What You Win

*         Winners will receive Aira's Student Package that covers nine full
months of Aira's service. 

*         The top winner will be named an "Aira Student Advisor" and join
some of the top minds in business and the blind and low-vision community in
helping shape the future of our services.

*         Ten students will be announced during the Annual Banquet of the
National Federation of the Blind on Saturday, July 15, 2017.  


More Information:

What is Aira?

Aira is a service for blind and low-vision people that provides immediate,
time-relevant access to visual information about surroundings or items at
the point-of-need by fusing technology and human interaction.

*         Smart glasses that capture video, GPS data and other sensor inputs
of the user's surroundings

*         Broadband network to remotely connect the user with a visual
assistant---we call them "Agents" either human or software.

*         Trained agents utilizing a dashboard that displays camera
information as well as a range of other sources and feeds that enable
real-time interaction to inform the user of what is in their immediate and
adjacent surroundings and environments. These might include access to
restaurant reviews and locations, current transportation schedules, alerts
to weather or construction along routes and other relevant and time
sensitive information. 

*         Software that enables agents to access and provide deep and robust
location-specific information to the users to help them navigate, select and
locate venues, locate their seat at sporting events, read signs or take
other actions that enhance their learning experience.

Today, students on college campuses are using the Aira services to
independently navigate campuses, master transportation systems, shop, and
learn more about the surroundings and environment that will be their home
for four or more years. Aira aims to integrate students into the mainstream
of campus life and the college experience in a whole new way.

You can learn more at  <http://www.aira.io/> www.Aira.io


Good luck!

Kathryn Webster

President | national Association of Blind Students

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