[Nfbnet-students-list] CALLING ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS: The Larry Bock Award open now and given at the 2017 National convention

Kathryn Webster, NABS President nabs.president at gmail.com
Wed Jun 28 16:25:09 UTC 2017



If you are going to National convention this year, are a college student in
the fall of 2017, and above the age of 18, please read this message in its

Below, you will read about an incredible opportunity for all college
students, taking place in just two weeks.


The 2017 Larry Bock Award

Aira, with the help of NABS, is providing two college students with a 1-year
subscription to Aira services!



One of Aira's founders was the entrepreneurial guru and lifelong student
Larry Bock.  Larry passed away in late 2016 and we're honoring his legacy by
announcing the Larry Bock award. We're looking for students who exhibit
Larry's passion for trying new things and constantly expanding their range
of capabilities.  This is your chance, not only to win a game-changing
prize, but also to provide input that will literally help Aira shape
services enhancements. 


What is Aira?

Aira is a service for blind and low-vision people that provides immediate,
time-relevant access to visual information about surroundings or items at
the point-of-need by fusing technology and human interaction.

*        Smart glasses that capture video, GPS data and other sensor inputs
of the user's surroundings

*        Broadband network to remotely connect the user with a visual
assistant---we call them "Agents" (human or software)

*        Trained agents utilizing a dashboard that displays camera
information as well as a range of other sources and feeds that enable
real-time interaction to inform the user of what is in their immediate and
adjacent surroundings and environments. These might include access to
restaurant reviews and locations, current transportation schedules, alerts
to weather or construction along routes and other relevant and time
sensitive information. 

*        Software that enables agents to access and provide deep and robust
location-specific information to the users to help them navigate, select and
locate venues, locate their seat at sporting events, read signs or take
other actions that further enhance their independence.

Today, students on college campuses join blind or low-vision business
people, veterans, and others who are using the Aira services to
independently navigate cities, malls or attractions, master transportation
systems, shop, and learn more about the surroundings and environment. Aira
aims to integrate students into the mainstream of campus life and the
college experience in a way never before possible.

Aira strives to further enhance independence anytime and anywhere for the
blind or low-vision.

You can learn more at  <http://www.aira.io/> www.Aira.io


Eligibility Requirements

*        College students (age 18 & over) or recent grad (graduated in May

*        In line with our Do More theme, participants should be passionate
about trying new things and constantly expanding their range of capabilities


Selection Process

In order to be considered, Students must submit a 250-word response,
explaining how one uses technology and would use Aira to enhance

This response can take any direction, so be creative! To get your mind

*        Briefly describe one or more challenges.

*        Tell us how a visual assistant service may benefit you.

*        Tell us what autonomous features --- those that do not require an
agent's assistance or service integrations (such as Uber or Amazon) --- you
might innovate or add to the enhancement of  independence, improve the user
experience, or enable a breakthrough capability for blind people.


You can learn more about the solution and services at  <http://www.aira.io>

Think both inside and outside the box!  Share your innovative spirit!  Your
insights help guide our offering.

Submissions must be sent to Kathryn Webster, national student division
president, at nabs.president at gmail.com <mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com>  by
Friday, July 7 at midnight EST. Please attach the file, including your name,
birth date, state, email address, and phone number, as well as the 250-word


Next Steps

Five entries will be selected for the final round. If you provide one of the
top entries, we will ask you to do a 3-minute pitch during the 2017 National
convention. On Wednesday, July 12 from 8-10pm, in conjunction with the NABS
Olympics event, the top five students will have an opportunity to woo our
judges! Within the three minutes, we want you to intrigue us, inspire us,
and make us see how well-deserving you are of this award. Students will know
by Sunday, July 9th if they have been selected as a finalist.


Announcement of Winners

On Saturday, July 15, during the National Federation of the Blind Annual
Banquet, the two recipients will be announced and awarded the Larry Bock
Award for their talent and curiosity as a lifelong student.


Please direct questions or concerns to Kathryn Webster at
nabs.president at gmail.com <mailto:nabs.president at gmail.com>  or via


Good luck,

Kathryn Webster

President | National Association of Blind Students

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