[NFBNJ] NFBNJ Important notice: Looktell money reader is now free for a short time

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Fri Aug 5 12:14:15 UTC 2016

Greetings to all on our announcement list!
Received from Jane Degenshein, President of the Senior and Technology 
Divisions and NFBNJ Coordinator of Newsline Registered.
Please read and share with others.  Don't hesitate, get to it!
Joe Ruffalo, President
973 743 0075
nfbnj1 at verizon.net


Subject: Looktell money reader is now free for a short time

Hi, tech div

The looktel money reader has an update and a new name. The app update must 
downloaded with its new name. This will replace the old version.

for those of you who have not downloaded the application, the new version 
went free, temporarily. So if you're interested, now is the time to get it.
The link is below.

NantMobile Money Reader by IPPLEX
Enjoy folks
Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein
"Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have"
Facilitator of ECHO
(Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
President, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Senior Division
President, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Technology 
NFBNJ newsline coordinator
jdegen16 at comcast.net 

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