[NFBNJ] Free Fishing License for the Blind

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Wed Mar 14 13:07:11 UTC 2018

Greetings to all!
Received from Pamela Gaston, NJ CBVI.
Special Note: If you wish, please provide photographs of you fishing with a 
short summary for possible posting on the state website.
When forwarding, in the body, please include your phone number if we need to 
contact you before posting.

Please forward all photographs with summary to:
Brian Mackey
bmackey88 at gmail.com
and to Linda Melendez at
lindamelendez220 at gmail.com
Note: The last time I went fishing,  Icaught a cold!  GRIN!

We care. We share. We grow. We make a difference
Joe Ruffalo, President
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
973 743 0075
nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Raising Expectations To Live The Life We Want!


Subject: Free Fishing License for the Blind
To fish in the fresh waters of New Jersey with hand line, rod and line, or 
longbow and arrow, you must have a valid fresh water fishing license or 
trout stamp. This includes privately owned lakes and other waters. Fishing 
licenses must be worn in a conspicuous place on the outer clothing while 
engaged in fishing, and must be exhibited to law enforcement personnel on 
CBVI consumers, age 16 and older, who are legally blind can apply for a free 
fishing license through their CBVI caseworker or local service center. The 
application must be completed and sent to the NJ Division of Fish and 
Wildlife (NJDFW) by a CBVI staff member.  Once the application is received, 
NJDFW will issue  and send the license directly to the consumer.
To apply for a free fishing license call CBVI at 877-685-8878.
For further information from the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife call 
609-984-6213 or visit: http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/fishneed.htm

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