[NFBNJ] CCB 2020 Virtual Summer Sessions - Registration Now Open

joe ruffalo nfbnj1 at verizon.net
Tue Jun 9 00:36:10 UTC 2020

Greetings to all!
A terrific opportunity for students from age 13 to 21.
Information highlighting the below message will be posted to the state 
website at



From: Dan Burke
Subject: CCB 2020 Virtual Summer Sessions - Registration Now Open

Colorado Center for the Blind

Take Charge with Confidence and Self-Reliance


We’re going virtual for 2020 on the Zoom platform! And although it
will be a different version of our typical face-to-face Summer
Programs for youth, this will be a series of virtual sessions blind
youth will not want to miss.

If you know a blind youth between the ages of 13 and 21, please
forward this message to them. And if you are a blind youth, read on!

Starting on Tuesday, June 16 and continuing through Thursday, July 30
(excluding the week of July 13, when the National Federation of the
Blind’s 2020 Convention will be held virtually), the Colorado Center
for the Blind will provide interactive, hands-on, skill building
sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT. The 12
sessions will be split up into 4 categories: Self-Advocacy, STEM,
College Readiness and Employment. The Self-Advocacy and STEM workshops
will be 2 sessions each, and the College Readiness and Employment
workshops will be 4 sessions each.

We are thrilled to be offering this opportunity to blind students ages
13 to 21. All courses will be free. Pre-registration is
If you are interested in participating or would like additional
information, please contact Martin Becerra-Miranda at
mbecerra at cocenter.org.

Be sure to register

Self-Advocacy 101

The Colorado Center for the Blind presents “Self-Advocacy 101”, a
2-part virtual workshop to be held on the dates of June 16 & 18 from
2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT.

The goal of Self-Advocacy 101 is to share tools and techniques that
will assist students to understand their strengths and weaknesses;
identify and understand how blindness impacts them and what
adjustments they must make in order to be on an equal footing with
sighted peers; and to develop their individual methods for
communicating these necessary adjustments in academic, social, home
and vocational environments. We know that creativity is at the core of
self-advocacy. More times than not advocating for ourselves begins by
identifying a challenge we are facing. In an ideal world this is
promptly followed by those in charge offering a solution to said
challenge. However, as many of our students know all too well, this is
not always the case, especially when it comes to the reasonable
accommodations necessary for blind students to have access to
materials and stay on track with their peers.

Items that will be addressed during this 2-part workshop include but
are not limited to:

  *   What is self-advocacy?
  *   What types of challenges require me to advocate for myself?
  *   How do I know what my strengths and weaknesses are?
  *   How can I use my strengths to help address these challenges?
  *   How do I know what I need to address and overcome these challenges?
  *   How do I convey what I need for access in an effective manner?
  *   Students will observe a variety of self-advocacy scenarios.
  *   Students will identify Dos and Don’ts of self-advocacy.
  *   Students will participate in self-advocacy role-play situations.
  *   Students will find and implement creative solutions to everyday
  *   Students will learn about benefits of self-advocacy, e.g.
heightened sense of self-awareness and higher self-confidence.
  *   Students will learn about the important role of advocating for
legislation to ensure equal access and opportunity.

STEM: A Hands-On Approach

The Colorado Center for the Blind presents “STEM: A Hands-On
Approach”, a 2-part virtual workshop to be held on the dates of June
23 & 25 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT.

The goal of STEM: A Hands-On Approach is to provide students an
opportunity to participate in hands-on STEM focused experiences that
will allow them to explore and assess their interest in these fields.
These activities can help students identify new career options and
potentially reinforce a student’s interest in pursuing a career in a
STEM field.

Items that will be addressed during this 2-part workshop include but
are not limited to:

  *   What is STEM?
  *   What types of jobs/occupations fall under STEM fields?
  *   How can I assess my interest in STEM?
  *   How accessible are STEM courses in college?
  *   A blind Chemistry major at the Metropolitan State University of
Denver will share her experiences and will lead an activity for all to
participate in.
  *   Students will hear from a member of the Science and Engineering
Division of the National Federation of the Blind.

College Readiness: Whether Virtual or in-Person

The Colorado Center for the Blind presents “College Readiness: Whether
Virtual or in-Person”, a 4-part virtual workshop to be held on the
dates of June 30, July 2, 7 & 9 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT.

Going to college is a big step for every young person. For most, it
means living on your own for the first time in a dorm, picking a major
in a subject you feel passionate about and maybe staying up as late as
you want. This fall, it may mean more online courses or only online
courses in this era of social distancing. For blind students moving
from high school to college, it means no more IEP or 504 meetings, no
more technology provided by the school and a number of other things.
But it also means exciting opportunities, new friends and new
adventures to go along with new responsibilities to know your civil
rights as a blind student, how to advocate for them effectively and
what to do when you do everything right and still things go wrong.

Items that will be addressed during this 4-part workshop include but
are not limited to:

  *   Didn’t the ADA fix everything? Your civil rights to access and
how advocacy, grit and resilience are essential tools for success. And
don’t forget help from the National Federation of the Blind, if
  *   Should the Disability Access Office do it, or can you? How to
find your own accessible textbooks and other independent strategies.
  *   Traveling independently to class, the dining hall, the gym, and
the best coffee stands.
  *   Is it inaccessible, or is it your tech skills? Some tips and
strategies for making the most of the e-learning environment.
  *   Who is paying for this? Vocational Rehabilitation, Financial
Aid, scholarships and more.
  *   So, what kinds of majors can blind people do? Choosing your path
based on aptitude and passion, not pathology.

Employment: Disabilities and the New Workplace Landscape

The Colorado Center for the Blind presents “Employment: Disabilities
and the New Workplace Landscape”, a 4-part virtual workshop to be held
on the dates of July 21, 23, 28 & 30 from 2:00 – 3:30 pm MDT.

This 4-part course is designed to prepare students to enter the
working world. Learn about choosing a career path, building resumes,
searching for jobs and hear from successfully employed blind
individuals. Participants will also have the chance to talk with
employers to improve interviewing skills.

Part I: Professional Presentation

Are first impressions really everything? This session will examine the
role of dress, verbal communication and nonverbal communication in an
employer’s perception of a job candidate. The goal of this workshop is
to help participants understand how to make a good impression on
potential employers. Students will also understand how to conduct
themselves in business settings.

This session will answer questions such as:

  *   What should I wear to the interview and on the job?
  *   Do my words clearly convey what I want to say?
  *   What is nonverbal communication and why is it important?

Part II: Exploring Career Options

“What do I want to be when I grow up” is a question we are asked many
times, but we often don’t have the answer. In this session, we will
discuss choosing a career path, finding job leads and landing your
first job. The goal of this workshop is to teach participants to use
various resources to choose a career, set appropriate vocational goals
and leverage networking opportunities and other resources to get a

This session will answer questions such as:

  *   How do I know what job is right for me?
  *   Where do I find out about job openings?
  *   How do I get my foot in the door?

Part III: Your Resume, Your Story

How do I sell myself on paper? In this session, we will discuss
different ways of applying for jobs and the documents every job seeker
should be able to complete. The goal of this workshop is to teach
participants to complete applications, build resumes and write
effective cover letters to assist them in the job hunt.

This session will answer questions such as:

  *   Does my resume serve as my online application?
  *   How do I create a resume that highlights my skills and talents?
  *   Do I need a cover letter?

Part IV: The Interview

Interviewing is one of the most daunting parts of job seeking. In this
session, we will share tips for interviewing successfully and offer
interview practice. The goal of this workshop is to make participants
feel more comfortable with the interview process by having knowledge
of what to expect, knowing how to prepare and practicing interview
skills with real employers.

This session will answer questions such as:

  *   How do I prepare for the interview?
  *   What are they going to ask me?
  *   How should I answer these questions?

Don’t forget to

Phone: 303.778.1130
2233 West Shepperd Ave
Littleton, CO 80120
United States

Take Charge with Confidence and Self-Reliance

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