[NFBNJ] National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey Town Hall Meeting with Dr. Bernice Davis, Executive Director, New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Ellen Sullivan
ems553 at comcast.net
Tue May 26 23:35:18 UTC 2020
Greetings to all!
Please share the following comments with others.
The National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey hosted a town hall zoom
call with Dr. Bernice Davis, Executive Director, New Jersey, Commission for
the Blind and Visually Impaired last Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Minutes and websites mentioned during the call are below.
With over 100 participating, thanks to those that attended to the call.
The NFBNJ thanks Dr. Davis for her time, interest, and concerns to raise
expectations to transform dreams into reality.
Let's Work Together To Make A Difference!
Joe Ruffalo, President
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
973 743 0075
<mailto:nfbnj1 at verizon.net> nfbnj1 at verizon.net
<http://www.nfbnj.org/> www.nfbnj.org
Meeting Minutes:
Subject: Town Hall Meeting: The National Federation of the Blind of New
Jersey Sponsored a Town Hall Meeting with Dr. Bernice Davis, Executive
Director, New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Date/Time: Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
Media: Zoom
Host: Joe Ruffalo, President of the National Federation of the Blind of New
Jersey (NFBNJ)
Co-host and moderator: Linda Melendez, 1st Vice President, NFBNJ
Attendees: Approximately 100 members, friends, parents of blind children and
CBVI Employees
President Ruffalo thanked everyone for being on the call and thanked Dr.
Davis for accepting our invitation to meet and gave special thanks to Linda
Melendez for moderating the Zoom Meeting. Joe reminded us about this year's
National Convention on the Zoom Platform and while it is free you do need to
<https://www.nfb.org/registration> https://www.nfb.org/registration
The dates of the Convention are July 14 through 18 and it is the 80th
National Convention . President Ruffalo then introduced Dr. Bernice Davis,
Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually
Impaired (CBVI) and thanked her for always working with her clients to make
a difference in their lives.
Dr. Bernice Davis:
Dr. Davis was happy to have the opportunity to participate with us and said
that in 2020 CBVI is celebrating their 110th year of providing lifesaving
services to the blind and visually impaired in the state of New Jersey.
She said the Covid 19 crisis has put us in unprecedented times. There have
been many challenges in the way we deliver services to our consumers. We are
guided by CDC health precautions and it has taken a lot of ingenuity,
retooling and hard work to ensure safe and expedient assistance to those who
need it. Through innovation in video platforms, email, telephone calls staff
work from home with their clients. She thanked her staff and consumers to
adapting so quickly to the "new normal".
Dr. Davis discussed the various programs of CBVI:
Independent Living: There are no in-home visits. The staff continues to work
with their clients to provide skills of daily living, including training in
Braille via on-line and phone.
Orientation and Mobility: Staff have assisted parents to enable them to help
their blind child. The benefit has been they have spent a lot more time with
families and have been using assistive technology to engage the student and
family. Families are really stepping up and getting involved. At this time
there is no projected date for when "in-person" O&M services will resume.
CBVI staff will be guided by the governments multiphase approach for
re-opening services.
Community Outreach: Staff have prepared videos and written guidance on how
to work with blind and visually impaired people in the community. These
materials have been shared with nursing homes, hospitals, police, and fire
Aspire/Self-help peer groups: These groups have been very active. Issues of
social isolation are producing a lot of anxiety and staff work to keep
people connected. They have started a group for the deafblind community, and
this too has grown and is benefiting the participants.
CBVI knows that the social distancing mandate has had a huge impact on "our
consumers". We will continue to examine ways to improve community outreach,
better deployment of social workers and staff to help address food, housing,
and health issues.
Education Services: These services continue and the Teachers of the Visually
Impaired (TVIs) have eased into the "in-home edition" since students have a
lot of assistive technology to help them. Again, parents have been wonderful
in supporting their student through the "new norm". Demands for Assistive
Technology have been so high CBVI has had to hire a new specialist, so we
can continue to meet our student's needs.
JKTC: This no longer operates as an "on-site" training center. Zoom training
is taking place and we hope to start virtual assessments of new students who
are interested in starting the program.
Vocational Rehabilitation and Entrepreneurial Training: These services were
hit very hard by the change in the economy. We are looking at new ways to
help entrepreneurs rebuild what was lost. Dr. Davis gave a shout out of
thanks to Nicky Gacos for his support.
Myers Center: This facility is not in operation at this time. Anyone needing
equipment should work with their TVI to obtain it.
Eye Health Services: Free eye exams are on-hold at this time.
Summer Programs: Dr. Davis said they are still planning summer programs in a
virtual environment and these include:
. Sharp for younger students
. Vocational Rehabilitation for transitioning students
CBVI is working to bring excitement and learning to our summer programs.
President Ruffalo shared that the NFB is having three sessions of the BELL
In-Home Edition (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning). Information
has been provided to CBVI and members. He asked all to share this
information with parents who may have blind or vision impaired students
(ages 4 through 12) who may be interested in participating.
<https://www.nfbnj.org/bell-academy/> https://www.nfbnj.org/bell-academy/#
Lastly, Dr. Bernice reminded everyone that CBVI staff is still here to help
them. Staff are working from home, answering their emails and phone calls.
Please do reach out to them. She provided her email to all who have
questions or concerns that are not being addressed:
<mailto:Bernice.Davis at dhs.nj.gov> Bernice.Davis at dhs.nj.gov
Questions and Answers:
First Vice President Linda Melendez, NFBNJ, moderated this part of the
Q: Will CBVI make the use of "sleep shades" mandatory in the discovery
method of O&M training?
A: Unlikely to make anything mandatory. Consumers want choices. Needs are
addressed on a case by case basis.
Q: I have friends who have been unable to receive CBVI Services. What do
they need to do?
A: We are still handling new cases and providing assessments. Consumers need
to meet the eligibility criteria to receive services. Staff is still
working, and Dr. Davis said to please reach out to her by email if you are
not getting the help you need.
Q: What county offers the best service; field support and what kind of
salaries do staff receive?
A: Good question. Dr. Davis would need to do a data run to provide an
Q: When will the JKTC reopen so people can go for evaluations?
A: JKTC is operating remotely. After Memorial Day Weekend we will start
discussing evaluating people virtually.
Q: I need assistive technology. Do I need to be working or in school to
receive it?
A: Normally we set goals and provide assistive technology to help the
consumer meet that goal. Let independent learning know what you need.
Q: Do you have guidance on how we can protect our eyes to prevent from Covid
A: That is a medical question and should be addressed to your
Q: Is there a way to continue to receive services if my GPA is below 2.0. I
thought there was a resolution passed to address this?
A: We are governed by Federal Grant Criteria and there is a waiver process.
Speak with a counselor and provide a proposal with justification for your
special circumstances.
Q: Some blind/visually impaired people live totally on their own and have
problems getting from one place to another and doing shopping. Are business
owners being made aware of the unique challenges of the blind?
A: CBVI has primarily addressed this to health care workers. As businesses
start to open this will be a good opportunity to engage with them.
At this time President Ruffalo encouraged people who are having problems
with "Big Box Stores" (Target, Walmart etc.) to email him at
<mailto:nfbnj1 at verizon.net> nfbnj1 at verizon.net
We are a solution based organization.
Q: What kind of support do you have for students who need to access lab
science equipment?
A: Please reach out to Eva Scott, Director of Blindness Education,
<mailto:Eva.Scott at dhs.nj.gov> Eva.Scott at dhs.nj.gov
At this time Dr. Cary Supalo, Ph.D. Blind Chemist spoke up and assured the
student that there are solutions. There are a lot of innovative products
that make lab science possible for the blind. President Ruffalo also
suggested that the person visit
<http://www.nfb.org> www.nfb.org
and reach out to the National Association of Blind Students (NABS) and to
the Stem Programs.
Q: When will be get supplies to assist students with remote learning?
A: Please work through your TVI for these needs.
Comment: An NFB member shared that she has been working virtually with her
SSP and they have accomplished a lot. She is learning to access information
on the internet using JAWS. (not there yet!)
Q: Is CBVI providing guidance to unemployed vendors on how to receive
A: This is outside the purview of CBVI however Nicky Gacos has done a
tremendous amount of work advocating for unemployment benefits for vendors.
This needs to be addressed to the Department of Labor.
Q: How are employment services being provided?
A: Vocational Rehabilitation Service is available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Reach out to your counselor. It has been very difficult to provide some of
the Assistive Technology needs because employees cannot enter homes to set
up the equipment. If you are able to set up your own equipment we have been
able to get it delivered to your door based on your assessment needs.
President Ruffalo shared about the NFB Newsline which is supported by CBVI
and said it provides information about job openings. During the meeting,
Newsline Coordinator Jane Degenshein provided her contact information. (973
736 5785 or
<mailto:Jdegen16 at comcast.net> Jdegen16 at comcast.net)
She explained that there are over 500 newspapers and 300 magazines, job
searches, breaking news, blindness advocacy groups and much more.
If interested in this valuable free service, get in contact with her and you
will be reading and learning on one of the many ways it is available like,
computer, newsline app, the touch telephone and even Alexa.
Q: One parent asked about starting a parent's group-she feels she is
constantly negotiating between the school district and CBVI for her child's
A: This is a great idea and Dr. Davis and Eva Scott have been discussing
having quarterly meetings with parents to discuss their difficulties. She
reminded the parent that CBVI is a contractor and while we invite a
discussion you still need to work with your school district or raise
concerns to the Department of Education.
NFBNJ President of Parents of Blind Children, Carol Castellano agreed that
POBC would welcome the opportunity to open a discussion with CBVI and
parents. Having raised a blind child in the New Jersey public school system
she is intimately involved in the IEP process, where resources can be
obtained and how to get them.
The Town Hall meeting concluded. Both President Ruffalo and 1st Vice
President Melendez thanked Dr. Davis and attendees for their participation.
President Ruffalo emphasized that we are a solution based organization and
are proud to work collaboratively with CBVI to address and solve problems
the blind face especially in this time of crisis.
The meeting ended at 5:19 p.m.
To learn more about the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
visit <http://www.nfbnj.org> www.nfbnj.org
Minutes respectfully submitted by Ellen Sullivan, Affiliate Secretary, NFBNJ
Reviewed by Joe Ruffalo, President and Linda Melendez, First Vice President,
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