[NFBNJ] Week of April 12, 2021 President Riccobono's Notebook, NationalItems of Interest and Dates to Keep in Mind

Linda Melendez president at nfbnj.org
Wed Apr 14 00:55:22 UTC 2021

Greetings all,

To help stay connected with our National Office and with the work of our
organization I am sharing some of President Riccobono's weekly notebook,
National Items of Interest and Dates to Keep in Mind.

Linda Melendez, President
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
Email: president at nfbnj.org

President’s Notebook
Week of April 12, 2021
National Federation of the Blind
Mark A. Riccobono

News: Safety and Support Initiatives: Climate Assessment Survey Coming Soon:

As part of the National Federation of the Blind safety and support
initiatives, RAINN will execute a climate assessment by gathering feedback
from NFB community members to help inform recommendations for sexual
misconduct prevention and response programming. Please participate in the
assessment survey that will be available in late April 2021. More details
coming soon.
Safety and Support Open Meetings on Code of Conduct FAQs (CC and Spanish

The Survivors Task Force invites Federationists and members of the blind
community to attend one of two planned open calls to review the Code of
Conduct Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and to collect feedback on the
Code of Conduct itself. Scheduled calls are on Thursday, April 15, and
Sunday, April 18, from 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm eastern. Zoom details available.
Learn more at

Code of Conduct on NFB-NEWSLINE®:

The Code of Conduct and the related FAQs are now available on NFB-NEWSLINE
under the NFB National Channel. These documents are available in both text
and audio formats.

Lyft Offering Free Rides to Federation Members:

Our rideshare partners at Lyft, through their LyftUp Vaccine Access
program, will be providing access to free and donated rides. The code is
being made available for use through April 30. It should be used to travel
to and from COVID-19 vaccination appointments. There will be a code for
dose one and a separate code for dose two.

As the New Jersey affiliate president I am only permitted to give this code
to current dues paying members of the national Federation of the Blind of
New Jersey. Members from other states will need to receive the code from
their affiliate president. The definition of a current dues paying member
as someone who has already paid their 2021 dues to either a chapter or
division of the NFBNJ.

To request this code please send an email to Linda Melendez at
president at nfbnj.org with the following information:

·      Full name

·      Chapter or division you belong to

·      Town and county you reside in

·      Vaccination site name, town and county

·      Date of vaccination

For questions please call me at 732-421-7063 between 10 AM and 8 PM Monday
through Friday.

Summer Program for High School Students: Applications Open for NFB EQ:

The National Federation of the Blind Engineering Quotient (NFB EQ)
applications is open. NFB EQ is going virtual July 5-30. High school
students can join us on a month-long adventure into engineering and
problem-solving activities. No specific level of engineering experience is
required. Engage in activities designed to strengthen knowledge and grow
interests. The deadline to apply is May 10. Learn more and apply now at


Register for the 2021 NFB National Convention:

The 2021 National Federation of the Blind National Convention is July 6
through July 10. Registration is open and free. By registering, you will
get access to the latest information as it is made available, the
opportunity to win door prizes, and more! Register for the 2021 NFB
National Convention online now.
<https://www.nfb.org/civicrm/event/register?reset=1&id=432> Or, if someone
you know needs help with registration or would prefer to email or mail in a
registration, please use the 2021 National Convention Registration Form
(fillable PDF)

NFB BELL Academy®:

The NFB BELL Academy provides children with Braille and nonvisual skills
instruction through fun, hands-on learning activities.

The NFB BELL Academy—which stands for National Federation of the Blind
Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning®—is a nationwide (United
States and Puerto Rico) summer program that prepares blind and low-vision
children to grow into confident and independent blind people who live the
lives they want.

Who Should Attend
Blind and low-vision children, ages four through twelve, who:
Do not receive enough Braille and nonvisual skills instruction in schoolCould
benefit from more Braille exposure over the summer
Would enjoy connecting with blind role models

Session 1 - June 7-18, 2021

Session 2 - July 19-30, 2021

Session 3 - August 9-20, 2021

Students will receive Braille and other fun materials for lessons. Connect
with experienced teachers and build relationships with other blind students
and mentors. Take advantage of this opportunity for your child to connect
with blind role models.

Apply today! Limited space is available.

English application link below:


Clicke en este enlase para registrase en el programa Bell desde la casa
este Verano.


Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act (H.R. 2373):

Last week Chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, Bobby Scott
(VA-3) reintroduced the Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment
Act (H.R. 2373). This bill would discontinue the use of special wage
certificates and phase out subminimum wages for people with disabilities
over a four-year period. Please contact your representatives and ask them
to cosponsor this legislation.

Independence Market April “Products of the Month” and Sale Items:

This month the Independence Market has two products of the month. The first
is a Micro-Speak Talking Digital Voice Recorder (8 gig) that is priced at
$60. The second is a Wilson Digital Voice Recorder (Version 8) priced at
$42. Either (or both) of these items can be purchased by contacting the
Independence Market at 410-659-9314, extension 2216, or by email at
Independencemarket at nfb.org.

The sale items for the month of April are:

Plastic Envelope Writing Guide - $1

Plastic Letter Writing Guide - $1

2x Illuminated Magnifier with 6X Insert and Folding Handle - $5

Supplies are limited, so for more information or to purchase any of the
items listed above, contact the Independence Market at 410-659-9314,
extension 2216, or by email at Independencemarket at nfb.org

Collections Advisory Council:

The Jacobus tenBroek Library is looking to put together an advisory council
of people who are aligned with the missions of the National Federation of
the Blind and possess an interest in history, research, literature,
museums, archives, and other related subjects. If you are interested or
would like more information, please contact Nichole Chrissis at
nchrissis at nfb.org.

Blind Driver Challenge Update: Partnering with Cruise:

The National Federation of the Blind and the San Francisco-based,
zero-emission, self-driving company Cruise are sponsoring racecar driver
Dan Parker in his fall 2021 attempt to break the Guinness World Record for
the “Fastest Speed for a Car Driven Blindfolded” as part of the Blind
Driver Challenge. It’s more than a race—we are accelerating the challenge
in 2021 because the need for urgency in the development and implementation
of accessibility in emerging technology is even greater. Read the full
partnership announcement from April 5
check out the video teaser <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VuUKIBVuvM>.

Upcoming Nonvisual Access Events: Testing and Google Workplace:

Accessibility boutiques and seminars are National Federation of the Blind
workshops presented by our access technology experts that provide
introductions to accessibility best practices and the latest trends in
access tech. Below is an upcoming accessibility events to share.

April 27: Accessibility of Google Workplace

Learn more and register at nfb.org/boutiques

Latest Blog Post: “Surviving Domestic Violence: I Found My Way Out”:

The Voice of the Nation's Blind Blog highlights personal experiences and
stories of blind people. In the recent article, Cheryl Fields shares about
the pathway of healing and journey to peace. Read the blog, "Surviving
Domestic Violence: I Found My Way Out
<https://nfb.org/blog/surviving-domestic-violence-i-found-my-way-out>." If
you are interested in sharing a story, please email
CommunicationsTeam at nfb.org.

The April Braille Monitor Is Available:

The latest issue of the National Federation of the Blind flagship
publication is now available. Read about national convention, stories from
members, raising expectations, and more. Access the Braille Monitor now

Apply for 2021 Bolotin Awards:

The National Federation of the Blind is accepting nominations of
individuals or organizations who are a positive force in the lives of blind
people and help us transform dreams into reality. Each application must
include a letter of recommendation. Learn more and submit a nomination for
the 2021 Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards

Dates to Keep in Mind:

(all times eastern)

April 15: Bolotin Awards <https://www.nfb.org/bolotin> nominations deadline

April 15: Survivor Task Force Open Call

April 18: Survivor Task Force Open Call

May 1: Distinguished Educator of Blind Children Award
nominations deadline

May 3: Presidential Release LIVE, 8:00 p.m.

May 7: NFB BELL Academy application
<https://nfb.org/programs-services/nfb-bell-academy> deadline (for session

May 10: NFB EQ application <http://www.nfb.org/eq> deadline

May 31: 2021 National Convention Registration Deadline

June 1: Presidential Release LIVE, 8:00 p.m.

July 6-10: NFB National Convention, anywhere and everywhere
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