[NFBNJ] Fwd: friends of the NJ library newsletter.

Linda Melendez president at nfbnj.org
Fri Apr 29 17:36:48 UTC 2022

Date: Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 12:55 PM
Subject: friends of the NJ library newsletter.


Message from the President

Greetings members of the Friends of the Library,

For my final message as your president, first let me say I wish to commend
the membership on all you have done in very difficult times.  The last two
years have been unlike anything we have ever seen in human history with the
pandemic.  Now as my second term ends, and my successor is about to be
elected we are slowly but surely getting back to somewhat of normalcy.  In
person meetings are right around the corner and so too are Friends
activities.  This past March, I participated in a focus group along with
state National Federation of the Blind President Linda Melendez and a few
others including a former director of the NJ Commission for the Blind.  The
main topic of this group was outreach and getting the word out to NJ’s
blind and print disabled community about library services.  It was a very
constructive meeting, and I was pleased to be invited. I did think the
notice was spam at first but finding open slots I was able to partake.  It
was a great honor to represent the Friends at this meeting.  It was great
to be asked for my opinion on library services.  I have been a member of
The Friends since about 2004 and have fond memories of our Saturday
meetings. I am still proud to be a member of The Friends. Looking forward
to warmer weather and a new era with the Friends.  We hope to welcome in
many new members as well as welcoming back current and past members. I am
looking forward to presiding over my final meeting as your president at our
June 4th meeting and it has been an honor serving under your command.  As
this is our annual meeting and we will be holding elections, we do hope you
plan to join us and support our group.


President Ken Lawrence Friends of the NJ Library for the Blind &

Meeting Information

Our next meeting will be on June 4th, 2022, at 10 AM by conference call.
Please dial 605-468-8005.  Enter the access code 425 373#.  You will be
asked to press 1 after the access code is repeated correctly.

Election of Officers

By Mary Jo Partyka, Nominating Committee Chairperson

Election of Officers will be held at the June 4th meeting. The Nominating
Committee is comprised of Barbara Finan, Doug Heine, and Mary Jo Partyka.
They are proposing the following slate of officers: President – Marie
Sawyer; Vice President - Jack Truehaft; Secretary –Bea Oliveti and
Treasurer – Joyce Sowa. Other members may be nominated from the floor at
the time of elections. We do ask that anyone being nominated from the floor
be approached in advance of the meeting and he/she must agree to run for
the office in question. Please make every attempt to attend this important

SECTION 1.  The officers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a
Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers shall perform the duties set
forth in these By-Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the
Friends. The president must be eligible for services from the (NJSLTBBC).

The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint two (2) Executive
Board members-at-Large with Board approval, appoint committees and serve as
an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The
President shall be a current member and in good standing of the Friends.

The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. The
vice-President must be eligible for services from the (NJSLTBBC).

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, coordinate
correspondence and maintain custody of all non-financial corporate records.

The Treasurer shall keep the financial records, maintain responsibility
over all receipts and disbursements and prepare periodic financial reports.

11th Annual TBBC Golf Classic

The NJ State Library Talking Book & Braille Center is proud to announce its
11th Annual TBBC Golf Classic.  This year we have been given the honor of
hosting the charity event at a new venue, Cherry Valley Country Club in
Skillman, NJ.  The outing is on Flag Day, Tuesday, June 14th, 2022.

The day begins at 8:30 a.m. with registration and a Continental Breakfast,
followed by a 10:00 a.m. shot gun start.  There will be two contests during
the day, a putting contest with a chance to win $5,000 if they make a 60ft
putt and a Closest to the Pin contest on a par 3 hole.

There will be course hospitality stations on the course throughout the
day.  As the golfers end their play they will head back to the clubhouse
for happy hour and hors d’oeuvres while they wait for golfers to finish up
their play.  A buffeted lunch will be served, followed by announcing
contest winners, 1st and 2nd place teams and a 50/50 winner.  During the
reception golfers will have the chance to purchase Penny Auctions tickets
for a chance to win donated baskets and items.  There will also be Silent
Auction items for the golfers to view and bid on.  The day will conclude
with dessert!

Many thanks to The Friends of the NJ Library for the Blind & Handicapped
for supporting our event as The Presenting Sponsor.  Their support of this
event has been ongoing for the past 11 years.  Proceeds of the event
benefit the Talking Book & Braille Center, New Jersey’s only FREE library
for the reading and print disabled (anyone who is blind, visually or
physically impaired).

Please help spread the word!  If you know anyone interested in golfing,
sponsoring, donating an auction item, or have any questions about the
outing, please feel free to contact Linda Cerce at 800-792-8322 ext. 835 or
email lcerce at njstatelib.org.

By Linda Cerce

Notice of Retirement Luz Sanchez

Luz Sanchez was hired as TBBC’s “Spanish Language Outreach Coordinator” Luz
has spent the last 31 years working with our Hispanic patrons to receive
audiobooks in their native language.  Until recently, NLS Spanish language
books needed to be copyrighted in the United States and could not be
translated from English for the program.  With the passage of the Marrakech
Treaty Spanish language books from across the world had finally become

Luz also worked on outreach opportunity to the Hispanic communities.

Luz has said “I have enjoyed serving all our patrons and will be sad not to
be able to talk to them. I have seen many coworkers come and go and have
enjoyed working with them. Now I will be looking forward to hanging out
catching some sun by the pool, going to the gym, and walking on the

Submitted by Adam Szczepaniak

Annual Dues are Due

This is a friendly reminder that our annual dues for FY 2023 are now due.
The mailing address is PO Box 434 Woodbridge, NJ 07095and make checks
payable to the Friends of the Library for the Blind and Handicapped.  The
Friends appreciate your efforts and your participation in helping the
NJSLTBBC meet its goals.  A membership form is attached to this newsletter
for those who wish to join the Friends or pay dues.  Dues are $10.00 for an
individual membership and $25.00 for a family membership. These dues cover
the 12-month period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023.

A Heartfelt Thank You

The Friends would like to thank Barbara Pirie and James Dougherty for their
very generous donations to our organization. As we support the library in
any way we can, the contributions are most welcome.  A very Heartfelt Thank

Options for Reading The Friends’ Newsletter

The newsletter is available in Large Print, E-Mail, on our website
http://friendsnjlibraryfortheblind.org and for those who do not have
computers, by telephone on Newsline. You can access these Newsletters with
a Newsline subscription and a touch-tone telephone. If you do not have a
Newsline subscription, contact Reader Services at the New Jersey Talking
Book and Braille Center at 1-800-792-8322 to get signed up for a Newsline
subscription.  If you have a Newsline subscription, but do not remember
your login information, contact Christian Riehl at the above number
extension 821. Once you have secured your login information, dial in to the
service by calling 1-888-882-1629, or the local dial up number provided to
you for accessing the service. Follow the prompts for logging in and
reading the Newsletters. Choose option 2 off the main menu for your state’s
information channel, followed by option for the blindness groups, then the
option for the Friends Newsletters. Happy reading.

Please check out our website for information on community services as well
as present and past copies of our newsletters at


Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________

Telephone (with area code): __________________________________

E-mail address: ____________________________________________

Preferred Media Format:

LP____­ ­­ E-mail_____ or ­None I will read online_____

I am eligible for TBBC Services: Yes ___ No ___

Individual Member $10.00 ___   Family Membership $25.00 ___

Donation $ _________

Donation in Memory or Honor of Name: __________________________

Send acknowledgment for memorial gift to:

Name: ____________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________

I have made a bequest in my will _____

Please return this form together with your check payable to:

The Friends of the NJLBH

PO Box 434, Woodbridge, NJ 07095

EM 5/22

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Linda Melendez, President
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey
president at nfbnj.org
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/NFB-NJ-353099574776238
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