[NFBNJ] Fwd: New Year and New Events to Assist with your Self-Advocacy Goals in 2024.

Linda Melendez lindamelendez220 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 18 00:23:44 UTC 2024

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From: Disability Rights New Jersey <advocate at disabilityrightsnj.org>
Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Subject: New Year and New Events to Assist with your Self-Advocacy Goals in


January 17, 2024 | Issue 52
New Year, New Events Promoting Self-Advocacy in the Disability Community

In 2024, Disability Rights New Jersey continues its commitment to our
mission of advancing the human, civil, and legal rights of people with
disabilities and promoting their self-determination and inclusion in all
facets of community life.

To achieve this, we focus our resources on the goals and objectives set
forth by our priority-setting process, collected through surveys
distributed and focus groups conducted of people with disabilities, their
families, professionals, health care and service providers and others about
the needs of people with disabilities and the barriers to addressing those
needs. This process ensures that the needs of the most vulnerable
populations are served, and the most critical, far-reaching issues are
addressed through our various methods such as information and referral,
legal representation including self-advocacy assistance, investigation,
systemic legal representation, education and outreach, or other systemic
advocacy. Goals and objectives also assist Disability Rights NJ as it faces
a demand for representation that often exceeds the resources of the P&A
system. You can view our 2024-2026 Goals and Objectives here

January Events

How To Appeal VR Decisions

Monday, January 29 at 3PM

Have you applied for services with the Vocational Rehabilitation offices,
but have had it denied? Have your services been reduced? Are you aware that
there are several ways to have the denial or reduction reviewed or to
appeal it? This event is for you!

Join us on January 29th at 3pm for a webinar designed to help walk
applicants and VR clients through processes to have a decision reviewed,
including how to appeal a decision or denial of services, with practical
information and "how-to" trainings.

What will be covered:

   - What is a decision that can be reviewed or appealed?
   - What is the process, starting with going through the supervisor or
   manager of the office?
   - Introduction to seeking an Administrative Review
   - How to request Mediation, and what to expect at Mediation
   - Requesting a Fair Hearing to the Office of Administrative Law

Renewals: Lessons Learned and Five Helpful Solutions

January 31 at 12PM

January 31 at 7PM

During the Public Health Emergency we know

as the COVID-19 Pandemic, individuals receiving Medicaid could not be
terminated between March 2020 and April 2023, even if their circumstances
changed, such as additional income or higher resources. Beginning in April
2023, the state Medicaid agency began a year-long process of Medicaid
renewals for more than 2 million Medicaid beneficiaries, and for the first
time since the beginning of the Public Health Emergency, people who were no
longer eligible were terminated.

As soon as this began Disability Rights NJ was there, representing clients
who were threatened with Medicaid termination, helping them untangle their
individual Medicaid renewal situations and working to ensure continued
Medicaid coverage. Now halfway through the renewal year, many lessons have
been learned that we will share with you.

Join us on January 31st at either 12pm or 7pm – for a webinar that looks at
the top 5 problems Disability Rights NJ has seen, as well as solutions to
those problems that people can use to effectively self-advocate for
continued Medicaid eligibility.
Register for Events

ATAC Tech Spotlight Series: 12PM

January 23

The MedMinder platform, a pioneering innovation, was conceived 17 years ago
through collaboration with a team of in-home nurses dedicated to patient

The platform offers comprehensive solutions that markedly enhance patient
medication adherence. With a suite of features including real-time
monitoring, customizable greetings in multiple languages, and alerts for
missed doses sent directly to providers and caregivers, they are committed
to revolutionizing medication management. The primary aim is to address
nursing shortages while contributing to substantial cost savings within the
healthcare industry.

One of the standout features is the remote locking capability, ensuring
medications are taken punctually and minimizing the risk of errors in

January 30

Revolutionizing Assistive Technology Imagine if assistive tools were
offered to individuals of all ages and abilities as a journey of
exploration to find personalized solutions

Cephable is dedicated to follow this vision by pioneering a software
platform (free for individual use) that enhances the capabilities of a
traditional keyboard and mouse. This is achieved by using your computer’s
camera and microphone to incorporate head movements, facial expressions,
voice controls, and virtual buttons as inputs to navigate and control your

LessonPix for Literacy

January 31

Join Beth Poss to learn how you can use LessonPix to support both emergent
and conventional literacy instruction, including alphabet knowledge,
phonics and phonological awareness, reading comprehension and writing.

Full List of ATAC Events

More Events in 2024

Transition Law Day coming in April 2024

   - Are you a student aged 14-21?
   - Do you have an IEP or 504 plan?
   - Have you thought about what you want to do after high school
   - Did you know your school and vocational rehabilitation agencies can
   help you prepare for life after high school?

Disability Rights NJ will host a presentation about our TRAILBlazer Program
– Transition Readiness for Adult and Independent Living – for children,
youth, and parents on their rights to transition services, including
pre-ETS and vocational rehabilitation services both through their school
district (IEPs) and the VR agencies (IPEs).

Our Transition team will also be offering individual client meetings for
those interested in speaking with us about navigating the New Jersey
system, setting transition goals, and achieving competitive, integrated

More details to come next month.
Disability News
Some Medicare Enrollees to Receive New Medicare Number Due to Data Breach

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is notifying additional
Medicare enrollees who may have been impacted by a data breach at a CMS
contractor, Maximus Federal Services, Inc. CMS mailed a letter to all
potentially affected Medicare enrollees to notify them of the data breach
and what steps CMS is taking to protect them.

CMS is issuing potentially affected enrollees a new Medicare number and a
new Medicare card. Legal assistance and aging and disability service
providers may receive calls from clients or members of the community asking
about this issue or about the letters.

If and when an enrollee receives a new Medicare card, the enrollee will
receive a letter asking them to begin using the new Medicare number and to
update their Medicare information with all of their health care providers
and destroy the old card. Plans will receive the related enrollment codes
alerting them about the Medicare number changes and will be processing the
changes internally.

It should be noted that this breach does not affect all Medicare
enrollees—most are not affected. Nor does it mean that those enrollees who
are affected will necessarily experience any harm. Affected enrollees
should, however, monitor their bank accounts and other financial accounts,
credit cards, and credit records, and report any suspicious activity to the
relevant financial institution or credit agency immediately.

[image: Logo Square for Social.png]

Disability Rights New Jersey, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to
advancing and protecting the human, civil, and legal rights of people with

   - We aggressively investigate reports of abuse and neglect wherever a
   person with a disability may be receiving services.

   - We thoroughly monitor facilities and community-based programs to
   ensure that people living in those facilities and using those services are
   free from abuse and neglect, and that their rights are not violated.

   - We provide legal representation, without charge, to people with
   disabilities in cases that fall within our areas of assistance.

   - We are dedicated to providing education, training, and technical
   assistance to people with disabilities, their families and advocates, the
   agencies that service them, and policy makers among others.

   - We provide state-of-the-art access to information and advice about
   assistive technology.

Read Our Story

Disability Rights NJ is funded by the Department of Health and Human
Services: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services - Center for Mental
Health Services; Administration for Community Living - Administration on
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities; Center for Integrated
Programs, through the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce
Development, U.S. Department of Education: Rehabilitation Services
Administration, and the Social Security Administration

DISABILITY RIGHTS New Jersey | disabilityrightsnj.org

210 South Broad Street
Third Floor

Trenton, New Jersey 08608

1.800.922.7233 (in NJ only) 1.609.292.9742 (Voice)

1.609.777.0187 (Fax) Dial 711 for Relay Operator
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Disability Rights New Jersey | 210 S Broad Street 3rd Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608
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