[Nfbo-announce] Fwd: National Federation of the Blind Commends Microsoft and GW Micro for Groundbreaking Accessibility Partnership

President carla at mainstreetmontessori.org
Tue Jan 14 19:27:16 UTC 2014

Carla McQuillan
President, NFB of Oregon
Executive Director
Main Street Montessori

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Freeh, Jessica" <JFreeh at nfb.org>
> Date: January 14, 2014 at 10:58:38 AM PST
> To: "State President, Puerto Rico" <arguza at attglobal.net>, "State President, Nebraska" <amy.buresh74 at gmail.com>, "State President, Connecticut" <erival at comcast.net>, "State President, Arizona" <krezguy at cox.net>, "State President, New York" <office at nfbny.org>, "State President, Oregon" <president at nfb-oregon.org>, "State President, Kentucky" <cathyj1949 at gmail.com>, Charlene Smyth <cs.nfbwv at verizon.net>, "State President, Vermont" <deannaljones at comcast.net>, "State President, North Dakota" <diverson at midco.net>, "State President, Idaho" <elsiedickerson at ymail.com>, "State President, Ohio" <eduffy at pobox.com>, "Schroeder, Fred" <fschroeder at sks.com>, "State President, North Carolina" <ghraynfbofnc at charter.net>, "State President, Missouri" <gwunder at earthlink.net>, "State President, Montana" <jkaldrich at samobile.net>, "State President, Pennsylvania" <president at nfbp.org>, "State President, Tennessee" <nfb.tennessee at gmail.com>, "State President, Minnesota" <jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com>, "State President, Alaska" <jnhburton at gci.net>, Joe Ruffalo <nfbnj at yahoo.com>, "State President, Wisconsin" <johnfritz66 at gmail.com>, "State President, Wyoming" <kthornbury at bresnan.net>, "State President, South Dakota" <gatorbumps at rushmore.com>, Kimberly Flores <kimberly.aguillard at gmail.com>, "State President, Massachusetts" <kshachmut at nfbma.org>, "State President, Maine" <leonproctorjr at yahoo.com>, "State President, Delaware" <lynne.majewski at gmail.com>, "State President, California" <mwillows at sbcglobal.net>, "State President, Maryland" <melissa at riccobono.us>, "State President, Iowa" <michael.nfbi at gmail.com>, "State President, Washington" <k7uij at panix.com>, "State President, Hawaii" <nanifife at aol.com>, "State President, Louisiana" <pallen at lcb-ruston.com>, "State President, South Carolina" <parnell at sccoast.net>, "State President, Illinois" <pattischang at gmail.com>, "Brown, Ron" <RB15 at iquest.net>, "State President, Mississippi" <sgleese at city.jackson.ms.us>, "State President, Colorado" <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>, "State President, Alabama" <joy.harris at dwx.com>, "State President, Arkansas" <tosheeler at cox.net>, "State President, District of Columbia" <callaway.shawn at gmail.com>, "State President, Florida" <danjhicks at yahoo.com>, "State President, Georgia" <gscott at nfbga.org>, "State President, Michigan" <president.nfb.mi at gmail.com>, "State President, Nevada" <realhappygirl1 at gmail.com>, "State President, New Hampshire" <cemcnabb21 at yahoo.com>, "State President, New Mexico" <avigil74 at gmail.com>, "State President, Oklahoma" <jmassay1 at cox.net>, "State President, Rhode Island" <silvara at cox.net>, "State President, Utah" <baconev at yahoo.com>, "State President, Kansas" <topage at swbell.net>
> Subject: National Federation of the Blind Commends Microsoft and GW Micro for Groundbreaking Accessibility Partnership
> Chris Danielsen
> Director of Public Relations
> National Federation of the Blind
> (410) 659-9314, extension 2330
> (410) 262-1281 (Cell)
> cdanielsen at nfb.org
> National Federation of the Blind Commends Microsoft and GW Micro for Groundbreaking Accessibility Partnership
> Window-Eyes Screen Reader Now Available for Free
> to Many Microsoft Office Users
> Baltimore, Maryland (January 14, 2014): The National Federation of the Blind, the nation’s leading advocate for equal access to technology by the blind, today commended Microsoft Corporation and GW Micro for their announcement of a partnership that makes GW Micro’s Window-Eyes screen reader available for free to users of Microsoft Office 2010 or higher.  More details about this groundbreaking offer are available at www.WindowEyesForOffice.com.
> Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, said: “The announcement of this historic partnership between Microsoft and GW Micro is truly revolutionary.  For the first time, users of Microsoft Office 2010 or later will not have to pay hundreds of dollars in order to obtain an accessibility solution that will allow them to take advantage of the features of Office and Windows.  This partnership has the potential to make access to employment, education, and other opportunities more readily available to blind people everywhere.
> “The usefulness of any screen reader product, of course, is limited by the degree to which other products are compatible with it,” Dr. Maurer continued.  “The National Federation of the Blind seeks collaboration with software manufacturers, Web developers, and other technology innovators in order to ensure that blind users have full and equal access to their products and services.  Microsoft and GW Micro are removing a significant barrier to obtaining screen access technology.  Developers of mainstream technology, as well as the businesses, institutions, and governmental entities that use it, must continue to do their part by making sure that screen reader users have full access to what they produce, procure, and deploy.”
> ###
> About the National Federation of the Blind
> The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is the oldest, largest, and most influential nationwide membership organization of blind people in the United States.  Founded in 1940, the NFB advocates for the civil rights and equality of blind Americans, and develops innovative education, technology, and training programs to provide the blind and those who are losing vision with the tools they need to become independent and successful. 
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