[Nfbofnc] your help is needed

HERMAN GRUBER hermangruber at verizon.net
Mon Jun 15 16:24:36 UTC 2009

Update on the Governor Morehead closing issue. The House has passed its version of the budget. Contained in that budget is a provision to close GMS after two years. The attention now focuses on the conference with the Senate. You are urged to contact your legislators and let them know your opposition to the closing of GMS.

            On Wednesday at twelve noon there will be a demonstration in front of the legis lative building. Plan to be in Raleigh on Wednesday to show your opposition to the closing of the school for the blind. This is your opportunity to take a stand for blind children. Time is running out. 

            Many of you have made calls. We thank you for your work and don't ever turn back. 


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