[NFBofSC] FW: 2020 NFB Washington Seminar information

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Jan 14 23:55:23 UTC 2020



Steve Cook

 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LddWwCJNPHI> Click here to view the PSA
for the National Federation of the Blind of SC

 <http://www.nfbofsc.org> www.nfbofsc.org

 <https://m.facebook.com/NatFedofSouthCarolina/> Follow the National
Federation of the Blind of SC On Face Book

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District 2 NFB of SC State Board Member

1st Vice President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the NFB
of SC

Board Member at Large of the Columbia Chapter of the NFB of SC




From: Scott White <swhite at nfb.org> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 10:11 AM
To: Shannon Cook <cookcafe at sc.rr.com>
Subject: 2020 NFB Washington Seminar information



In early February, the blind of this nation are headed to DC for our annual
Washington Seminar. Many of you will be visiting the capitol to speak with
your legislators. The Washington Seminar is an annual event of the National
Federation of the Blind to introduce the agenda of blind Americans--the
priority issues requiring congressional attention over the coming year. 

The issues are selected from official positions of the Federation and may
address concerns in the following areas: relevant civil rights issues;
educational programs and services; rehabilitation of the blind for
competitive employment; the operation of vending facilities by blind persons
on public property; specialized library services for the blind; the
organization and funding of federal programs; Social Security and
Supplemental Income programs; and other timely topics. Three legislative
initiatives are chosen for priority attention during the Washington Seminar.

We have posted the NFB 2020 Washington Seminar Agenda and Fact Sheets on

To reach this information using the telephone access method, press five from
the main menu for newspapers in a different state, followed by five again
for National Meetings of Interest to the print disabled. 

To reach this information using the free NFB-NEWSLINE Mobile app, choose
Publications, Publication Options, All Publications, and find the NFB 2020
Washington Seminar Agenda and NFB 2020 Washington Seminar Fact Sheets.

We hope those of you traveling have a safe trip. If you are interested in
how you can get involved, contact your local state NFB affiliate. A list of
these can be found on the NFB.org website at

National Federation of the Blind | nfb.org | 866-504-7300 |
nfbnewsline at nfb.org

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