[NFBofSC] FW: [NFB-Seniors] Fw: senior division meeting minutes from February and agenda for the upcoming senior division meeting slated for Monday, March 16 at 8 PM

Steve & Shannon Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Sat Mar 14 17:41:31 UTC 2020

Steve and Shannon Cook
Today I married my best friend.  
The one that I laugh with, live for, love.
October 11, 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: NFB-Seniors <nfb-seniors-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Jane Degenshein via NFB-Seniors
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2020 1:06 PM
To: nfb seniors div list <nfb-seniors at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jane Degenshein <jdegen16 at comcast.net>
Subject: [NFB-Seniors] Fw: senior division meeting minutes from February and agenda for the upcoming senior division meeting slated for Monday, March 16 at 8 PM

From: Jane Degenshein
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2020 2:50 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: senior division meeting minutes from February and agenda for the upcoming senior division meeting slated for Monday, March 16 at 8 PM

    hello All
In this covid situation, and the fact that many of us are staying at our homes,  perhaps you would like to join your NFBNJ senior division family Stay connected with us. . .

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National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey's senior division NJASB Monday, February 17, 2020 Minutes The Senior Book Club met at 6 PM, discussing the book, What Rose Forgot, by Nevada Barr. We all agreed this book was a bit crazy, quite suspenseful and a whole lot funny! We all enjoyed every minute of this read. There were Jane Degenshein, Linda DeBerardinis & Ada Crandall on the call.
The next Senior book will be, Getting Old is Murder, by Rita Lakin and will be held on May 16th at 6 PM.
1. Welcoming remarks
Jane thanked Anne Marie Harris for making the reminder calls.
Shout out to the newbies on this call.
Please use our conference call etiquette as it will make it better listening for all of us Mute and unmute is *6 2. Roll Call: Linda DeBerardinis There were 24 on the call.
Jane Degenshein, President
Jennifer Uchanow, 2nd Vice President
Linda DeBerardinis, Secretary
Anne Marie Harris, Board Member
Marie Sawyer, Board Member
Members: Misty Hagan, Chris Franz, Geri Mcginty, Pat Bunce, Cathy Butzler, Ursula Rookie, Sherry Rollins, Andrea Swartz, Pam Hayes, Phil Harrison, Weston Pfeiffer, Harvey & Linda Levine, Ruth Williams, Angela Perone, Cynthia Jones, Cecilia Raglan and Lori Neidhart.
Guest: Les Cameron.
3. NFB Pledge
Anne Marie Harris led us in the pledge.
4. Secretary's Report: Linda DeBerardinis Linda asked if all received the minutes via email.
Motion: Angela Perone
Second: Sherry Rollins
There was no discussion.
All voted favorably.
5. Treasurer's Report: Jane Degenshein
Andrew Rees could not be on the call, as he was in an upsetting car accident. Although he went to the hospital, he is now resting at home.
We all wish him well.
Beginning Balance: $1,168.22
Deposits: $5.00- dues
Deductions: $15.00-PAC plan
Ending Balance: $1,158.22
Motion: Anne Marie Harris
Second: Harvey Levine
All voted favorably.
There was no discussion, although Jane asked if we know what the PAC Plan (Pre-authorized Checking Withdraw) is. Phil Harrison said the money goes to National for all it's many programs.
6. Committee Reports: Marie, Ada, and Jennifer A. Caring Calls and Cards: Marie Sawyer I spoke to Barbara Finan and expressed our condolences on the loss of her nephew and sent a card from us. I spoke to Mary Joe Partyka & Annemarie Cooke expressing our sympathies in the loss of their sisters-in-law and sent each a card. I called Misty Hagan, but didn't reach her. I left a message of condolence and also sent her a card from us for the loss of her mom. I called Linda DeBerardinis expressing our condolences in the loss of her aunt.
Jane told us Pat Bunce fractured her wrist, while Rene Freiling shattered hers. Caryn Fitzpatrick broke her shoulder and the doctor told her it would take months to heal.
Jane also told us both Linda Melendez & Annemarie Cooke were really sick from their ski trip in Wyoming.
B. Senior Birthday Calls: Ada Crandle
Ada made her calls from last month till this meeting including:
Pat Dangiolillo, Donna Myrick, Johanna Baccan & Brian Keene.
C. Senior Corner: Jennifer Uchanow
In honor of Valentine's Day, Jennifer read Love Quotes, submitted by Janie Degenshein. They will be sent separately.
7. National Senior Division Updates: Jane Degenshein A. The National Senior Division is active and on the move A. A REMINDER - Join us on our second NFB Seniors Division Network meeting!
When: Wednesday, Feb. 19th and/or Friday, Feb. 21
Time: 8:00 PM Eastern
Here are the numbers needed to get on one or both of this round of calls:
Phone Number: 1-515-603-3166,
Access Code 759633 pound.
B. Join us on our first Senior Division's nationwide conference call for 2020!
Thursday, February 27th
Topic: Participants from our 2nd annual Live The Life You Want National Senior Retreat, will be present! Learn what took place last fall at the Rocky Bottom retreat facility, owned by the NFB of South Carolina. Yu may need this opportunity!
Date: February 27th
Time: 4:00 pm ET
Phone Number: 1-515 603-3166.
Access Code: 759633 pound.d
The conference call will be recorded and made available from both our Seniors Division webpage, and accessible by phone. (The phone# will be posted here in this listserv after the recording is available.) C. Monthly Calendar of Events for all Senior Division meetings Anyone can attend other senior division meetings if you wish.
Here are the rest for February
*Feb. 18th Set Day- Third Tuesday of the month; excluding December.
NFB of Georgia Seniors Division, all are welcome
Time: 8:00 p.m. ET
Phone: (712) 775-7085
Access code: 951866#
*Feb. 24th Set Day- Fourth Monday of the month; excluding November &
NFB of Kansas Seniors Division – All Are Welcome
Time: 7:00 p.m. CT
Phone: (916) 235-1420
Access code: 879925#
*Feb. 26th (Set Day- Fourth Wednesday of the month) NFB of Virginia Seniors Division – All Are Welcome
Time: 7:00 p.m. ET
Phone: (605) 472-5481
Access code: 304571#
8. Legislative Updates: participants
Phil Harrison , Rick Fox, Debbie Bloomer, and Brian Keene attended from our senior division.
Phil Harrison said there were 13 from NJ, but over 500 from all over the country. There were 50 states represented, plus Washington DC and Puerto Rico. There were 3 issues; the AIM High Act, the GAIN Act and the Access Technology Affordability Act. We visited both the Senators and 2 Congressmen about these 3 items. You rarely get to talk to the actual senator, or congressmen; you speak to their legislative staff. I was with Ryan Stevens & Anthony Lanzilotti. We each took one of the acts and spoke about it. They usually didn't commit, but they took notes and several showed interest. I really enjoyed being there. The day before we had two large meetings, with all 500 NFB members. We learned clearer what the legislation was about. Mark Riccobono introduced many interesting people. We left early Monday morning and left Washington Tuesday at 5 PM. It was my first time and I found it enjoyable, interesting and educational.
9. Old/New Business: All
A. Comedy and Entertainment Afternoon
Date: March 28 Time: 1 PM to 5 PM
Cost: $35 includes lunch, beverage, Tricky Tray card and lots of great entertainment! There will be door prizes + an auction.
Chris Franz said she had a good time last year.
Jennifer Uchanow exclaimed the Comedy Night was hilarious, the music was superb and the food was fabulous!
Jane said all the proceeds go toward the Joe & Rose scholarship fund to support our programs and projects.
B. Anne Marie Harris apologized for not telling people about our book club tonight, when she did the reminder calls. She said I actually told them about the Sports & Rec book club!
C. Lori Neidhart announced she graduated from her computer class today. It makes me feel good, even if I fight with the computer now and then!
10. Brags and Drags: All
A. Angela Perone said she was going to surprise Andrew tomorrow at his job, since she had some business there. She was so sad to hear of his car accident. She also said, I was the person who introduced him to NFBNJ.
B. Cynthia Jones thanked us all for the call.
11. Adjournment
Jane announced our next senior meeting will be March 16.
motion: Chris Franz
Second: Jennifer Uchanow
President Jane Degenshein adjourned the meeting at 8:42 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda DeBerardinis
Secretary NFBNJ Senior Division
Jane Degenshein
President of the NJ senior division of the National Federation of the Blind
Agenda for the senior division meeting Monday, March 16, 2020 at 8 PM 1. Welcoming remarks: Janie Degenshein
2 Roll Call: Linda Deberardinis
3.  NFB Pledge
4. Secretary’s Report: Linda Deberardinis 5. Treasurer’s Report: Andrew Rees 6.National Senior Division News Update: Janie Degenshein 7. Committee Reports: Marie, Ada, and Jennifer A. Caring Cards/Calls: Marie B. Birthday Calls: Ada C. Senior Corner: Jennifer 8. Senior division book club date for May and book choice announced.
9. Old/New Business: All
10 Round the Phone/Brags and Drags: All
11. adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Janie Degenshein
President NFBNJ senior division
NFB-Seniors mailing list
NFB-Seniors at nfbnet.org
Division website:  http://seniors.nfb.org To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for NFB-Seniors:

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