[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1787

Jennifer Bazer jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
Mon Nov 9 11:56:44 UTC 2020

November 9, 2020

Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents &

From:  Jennifer Bazer, President

Positive Note 1787

Greetings Fellow Federationists:


Recently, I have started using my treadmill again. I wore out my last one
about  a year ago and decided, at that time, to replace it with an
elliptical so it would be easier on my feet as I have bilateral plantar
fasciitis. After about a month, the elliptical and I did not get along. It
was nothing like my treadmill. I did not like the up and down movement of my
feet and the back and forth motion of my arms. The elliptical and I just did
not jive together. My frustration with the elliptical lead me to stop using
it, which meant, stop exercising. If I exercise, my feet hurt; if I sat in a
chair, my feet hurt; If I stayed in bed, my feet hurt. My feet hurt all the
time. That was just an excuse to stop exercising. I didn't like the
elliptical; therefore, I would not exercise; I would not find another
solution, I would not try another piece of exercise equipment. My internal
battle only hurt me. It didn't hurt anyone else. In the meantime, my poor
elliptical sat in the corner collecting dust. My children randomly got on
it, but for the most part, it was a great dust collector. Months went by my
feet still hurt. I already had two surgeries on each foot two and three
years ago, but nothing helped. Finally, after a year of non-exercise,
feeling sorry for myself and the pain in my feet, I purchased a gently used
treadmill to replace my dust collecting elliptical. My friend was back, the
thing that caused even more pain when I used it would not be a dust
collector. It would be a way to keep mentally, physically and emotionally
fit. Unlike my elliptical, I would look forward to putting on my headphones,
turning up my music, and stepping on the bed of my new friend, my treadmill.
My feet still hurt when I use the treadmill, just like they do when I don't
use my treadmill, but the difference is, if I am going to experience pain,
it will be with the treadmill and not an elliptical; something that I enjoy,
not something I dread.


How often do we get in a rut; a "funk" feeling sorry for ourselves; not
budging to prove a point to someone? How many times have we said, "I'm not
going to do this or that until they do X or Y? How many times have we said,
"I'm not going back to a chapter meeting because I didn't like what the
president did or said? How many times have we said, "I'll do it when." And,
that time comes and goes and we never did it. How many times have we left
our NFB affiliate because of the leadership or, lack of leadership? How
often have we followed the crowd when that clearly wasn't the best option
just to prove a point? 


Just like my elliptical, I didn't like it so I stopped using it, but instead
of getting another treadmill or another piece of work-out equipment,  I
simply "pitched a fit" and didn't do anything for a year. Who did I hurt?
Myself. My stubborn behavior earned me a few extra pounds and a little more
stress, neither of which is good for my mental, physical or emotional
well-being. When you are feeling in a rut, maybe even in an NFB rut, don't
stay there long; dust yourself off, phone a fellow Federationist, call your
chapter president, your affiliate president and find out how you can "be"
the change; how you can make a difference; leave it better than you found it
and for those coming behind you. If not you, then who? If not now, then


Over the past several weeks, I have participated in numerous committee and
chapter meetings of the NFB of SC and am thrilled to see action plans coming
together; people working together, and goals being accomplished. I
appreciate the committees consistently emailing me notes from each meeting.
This enables me to share with the rest of the affiliate and to support your
efforts. Together we can do so much!


I would love for you to join me and your fellow Federationists on Thursday,
November 19 at the Center in Columbia for a Thanksgiving feast. We will
serve the meal at 3:00 followed by our SC connects call at 5:00. The cost is
$15 per person. Please call, text or email me to reserve your plate at
803-960-9977 or jhipp25 at sc.rr.com. Masks will be worn at all times, except
when we are actively eating or drinking. If you are not able to come to the
Center, but would enjoy a meal, please let me know and we will do our best
to  make it happen.


Please mark your calendars for a Christmas celebration at the Center on
Saturday, December 12 from noon until four. We will enjoy fellowship, sounds
of the season, and a gift exchange. The gift exchange is optional. Please
call, text or email me if you plan to attend. If you need transportation
let's work together with chapter presidents and neighboring chapters to
insure all that want to come can attend. Call me with any questions.


Our statewide seminar will be held January 9 at the Center in Columbia from
10:00 until 4:00. This will be a hybrid seminar meaning you can attend
in-person and over Zoom so as many individuals can participate as possible.
Please make plans to attend in-person or through Zoom.


              The Palmetto Blind

              If you wish to contribute an article to the winter issue of
the Palmetto blind, please send me your contributions to jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
<mailto:jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>  and we will include them in the winter issues or
future issues.

              We are looking for comfort food recipes, controlled carb
recipes, overview of a product that may be helpful to our members,
resources, book reviews, trivia, member spotlight.

I welcome your contributions for this and future issues.


              South Carolina Connects

              Our next South Carolina Connects meeting will be Thursday,
November 19, at 5 pm on the Zoom platform. We will be there as early as 4:30
for informal chat and to get to know one another. Please invite your chapter
members, friends and anyone interested in learning more about the NFB of SC.
I look forward to chatting with all of you!


>From Thom Spittle, Chairman of Rocky Bottom:

What a week! October 31st started the week with a live drawing, which raised
$4,700 for the camp after taking out prize money.

After the drawing we kicked off the week-long online auction, which saw 75
items up for bid. Thanks so much to chapters, businesses, and individuals
who worked together to collect items, spread awareness, and bid on a wide
variety of unique things. From the auction we raised approximately $3,300.
We truly appreciate the team work of all involved, and count this as a big
success! We plan to make this an annual event!

The $8,000 will help Rocky Bottom pay expenses during a difficult time with
very few rentals.

This was a great example of Federation teamwork.


The following meetings are scheduled on the Zoom platform this week. You are
welcome to attend any of these meetings, even if you are not a member of the
chapter or committee.  Please contact the chapter president and ask if it is
alright to attend their meeting.  All Committee meetings are open to the
public for listening. Contact President Bazer if you would like to be added
to any NFB of SC committee.

              Here's what is coming up on Zoom for the week of November 9


Monday, November 9, 2020         Braille Literacy 6pm

Tuesday, November 10, 2020      At Large Chapter 7pm

Thursday, November 12, 2020     "Cherokee Chapter 1pm

Columbia Chapter 6:15pm"

Saturday, November 14, 2020     CSTD Training 10am

Monday, November 16, 2020      Membership Committee 7pm


NFBofSC Federation Center is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFBofSC Chapter and Committee meetings

Times are in  Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 803 254 3777

Passcode: 124578

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)



              From Derique Simon

              Do you find yourself wondering what to cook for dinner most
nights? Are you tired of making the same dishes over and over? Well stress
no longer because the South Carolina Association of Blind Students is here
to help if you need spicing up what you do in the kitchen. We are working on
our own one of a kind cook book and we need all of your help to make it a
hit. If you have any recipes that you would like to share with us please
send them to Trista Hubbs SCABS Secretary at hubbs.trista at gmail.com
<mailto:hubbs.trista at gmail.com>  


              If you made a pledge at our state convention banquet in
August, those tax deductible contributions are due at the Center no later
than December 31, 2020. If you did not make a pledge, but wish to donate to
the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please send
donations to 119 S. Kilbourne Road, Columbia, SC 29205. You may also pay on
our website at www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org>  and look for the
donations link to pay through pay Pal. Thank you to all of those
individuals, chapters, and divisions who have fulfilled their pledges. I
will list all donors in the first Positive Note of 2021.


              Big News! The National Federation of the Blind of SC now has
an online enrollment membership form to pay your 2021 state dues. You will
be able to fill out the form online to provide the state office with updated
personal and contact information. You will also be able to pay your $10
state dues via secure Pay Pal. You will still need to pay your
chapter/division dues on the local level. After submitting the membership
form, you will be provided with a link to pay your $10 state dues through
Pay Pal. Your membership will not be confirmed until payment has been
received. After paying your $10 state dues via Pay Pal, we will receive a
message stating you have paid your state dues to confirm your membership.
Then you will be sent a message with a copy of your receipt for confirmation
later in the day. Please retain this confirmation for your records and proof
of payment.  Also, Pay Pal charges the NFB of SC a percentage for each
transaction. We would greatly appreciate you adding an extra $0.30 to your
donation to offset this charge. 

              If you need assistance completing the online form, you are
welcome to call Steve and Shannon Cook to help at (803) 254-0222. Leave a
message with your name and contact number if we are unavailable to answer
the phone.

              Thank you to those who have already paid your state dues! We
hope to see close to 100% of dues paid by December 31. Our membership
committee along with the help of our district reps will follow-up as we get
closer to the end of the year to assist those in completing their membership
form so that we can have all completed documentation to the national office
in a timely manner.  https://forms. gle/MGYktJPG3SatVBFWA



Final thought: "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on
fighting the old, but on building the new." -Socrates


              NFB Pledge - I pledge to participate actively in the effort of
the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and
security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the
Federation; and to abide by its constitution.


              NFB One Minute Message - "The National Federation of the Blind
knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your
future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low
expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can
live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back." 


              If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to
receive it directly in your inbox, as well as, receive messages regarding
the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please email Steve
Cook at cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com> .


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