[NFBofSC] Positive Note 1788

Jennifer Bazer jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
Mon Nov 16 11:28:53 UTC 2020

November 16, 2020

Memo To:  Executive Officers, Board Members, Chapter & Division Presidents &

From:  Jennifer Bazer, President

Positive Note 1788

Greetings Fellow Federationists:


Our church hosted a Thanks for Giving celebration in the parking lot on
Sunday to give thanks for our Operation Christmas child boxes, chemo totes
for those going through cancer, and our Veterans. The children decorated
their bikes, trikes, scooters, and skates for the event. As a part of the
cub scout celebration, my 10-year-old son, carried one of the flags in the
parade of wheels. My daughter rode her decorated red, white and blue scooter
during the parade. Both scout groups led the congregation in the Pledge of
Allegiance, My Country Tis of Thee, and the Star Spangled Banner.


I sat in the overcast afternoon with the wind slightly blowing my hair,
proud of my two children who serve their community in scouts and reflecting
on  the NFB of SC and how thankful I am to lea an affiliate that gives so
graciously and generously; not just in time of need, but always thinking of
ways to give to others, to share the Federation love. Thanks for Giving to
Rocky Bottom during the auction, Thanks for Giving to your membership to
build the Federation, Thanks for Giving to a blind man who needed food and
clothes, thanks for Giving to the scholarship fund to assist students in
furthering their education, Thanks for Giving to the kitchen fund to
purchase a new commercial refrigerator and freezer at Rocky Bottom, Thanks
for Giving to your local chapters and divisions, Thanks for Giving of your
time, talents and dedication to build the Federation in the Palmetto state
and beyond. Thanks for Giving me an opportunity to lead this awesome South
Carolina affiliate. Let's go build the Federation!


Chapter and Division Presidents,

If you have an electronic copy of your constitution, please email it to me
ASAP to jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>  as President Riccobono
is requesting all info from all affiliates.

If you do not have an electronic copy, but rather a print copy, I would need
that in our state office at the Center ASAP.

If you do not have a chapter or division constitution electronically or in
print/Braille, please let me know ASAP so we can work together to have this
info to President Riccobono.

Thank you for all your help!


Sports and Recreation Division Interest:

I have recently had questions about starting a Sports and Recreation
division in SC under our affiliate.

Below is what that may look like as a division from the national page.

We know that blindness is not the characteristic that keeps us from
achieving our health, wellness, and athletic goals. The Sports and
Recreation Division serves as a community around sports, recreation, health,
and wellness.

Obesity and sedentary lifestyle are two of the biggest health concerns
across the United States. Both are more prevalent among individuals who are
blind. The Sports and Recreation Division works diligently to raise
awareness of health concerns related to exercise, nutrition, and wellness.
We serve as a network of experts to help blind people break down barriers to
full participation in sports, recreation, and exercise. We are also a great
source of support for gyms, community recreation programs, and others in the
health and wellness arena who want to make their services more accessible to
the blind.

>From the seasoned blind sports and recreation participant to the blind
person who is considering beginning an exercise, sports, or wellness
regiment this is the community for you!  You can live the life you want!
Together with love, hope, and determination, we transform dreams into

If you are interested in a sports and rec division in SC, we will have an
interest meeting on Wednesday, November 18 at 7:00 p.m. on the Federation
zoom platform. This will be about 45 minutes as another committee meets at
8:00 p.m.

If you are interested, please email me at jhipp25 at sc.rr.com
<mailto:jhipp25 at sc.rr.com>  or text or call me at 803-960-9977 with your
name, email and phone number and I will insure you are reminded of this
interest meeting.


              I would love for you to join me and your fellow Federationists
on Thursday, November 19 at the Center in Columbia for a Thanksgiving feast.
We will serve the meal at 3:00 followed by our SC connects call at 5:00. The
cost is $15 per person. Please call, text or email me to reserve your plate
at 803-960-9977 or jhipp25 at sc.rr.com <mailto:jhipp25 at sc.rr.com> . Masks will
be worn at all times, except when we are actively eating or drinking. If you
are not able to come to the Center, but would enjoy a meal, please let me
know and we will do our best to  make it happen.


              Please mark your calendars for a Christmas celebration at the
Center on Saturday, December 12 from noon until four. We will enjoy
fellowship, sounds of the season, and a gift exchange. The gift exchange is
optional. Please call, text or email me if you plan to attend. If you need
transportation let's work together with chapter presidents and neighboring
chapters to insure all that want to come can attend. Call me with any


              Our statewide seminar will be held January 9 at the Center in
Columbia from 10:00 until 4:00. This will be a hybrid seminar meaning you
can attend in-person and over Zoom so as many individuals can participate as
possible. Please make plans to attend in-person or through Zoom.


              South Carolina Connects

              Our next South Carolina Connects meeting will be Thursday,
November 19, at 5 pm on the Zoom platform. We will be there as early as 4:30
for informal chat and to get to know one another. Please invite your chapter
members, friends and anyone interested in learning more about the NFB of SC.
I look forward to chatting with all of you!


              The following meetings are scheduled on the Zoom platform this
week. You are welcome to attend any of these meetings, even if you are not a
member of the chapter or committee.  Please contact the chapter president
and ask if it is alright to attend their meeting.  All Committee meetings
are open to the public for listening. Contact President Bazer if you would
like to be added to any NFB of SC committee.

              Here's what is coming up on Zoom for the week of November 16
2020. All meetings are on the main Federation ID of 803-254-3777, unless

Monday, November 16, 2020         Membership Committee 7pm

Tuesday, November 17, 2020       Diabetes Action Network Committee 7 pm

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 Sports and Recreation Interest Meeting, 7 pm
and Public Relations Committee 8 pm

Thursday, November 19, 2020     SC Connects, 5pm and "Clarendon  Chapter 8pm

Saturday, November 21, 2020     Charleston Chapter, 1pm

Monday, November 23, 2020      Anderson Chapter 6pm, 864-878-9090 ID

Monday, November 23, 2020 Doing Our Fair Share Committee 7pm


              NFB of SC Federation Center is inviting you to a scheduled
Zoom meeting.

Topic: NFB of SC Chapter and Committee meetings

Times are in  Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 803 254 3777

Passcode: 124578

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)


>From Steve Cook, Chair person of the Social Media Committee

Attention National Federation of the Blind of SC Chapters! 

On our website NFBofSC.org, I have the Presidents listed and their contact
information for each chapter and division for the NFB of SC. When you have
your elections, I would greatly appreciate you contacting me with the
Presidents name and contact information for our website! This information is
very important when people are looking for a chapter in their area. My
contact information is cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com>  or
cell phone (803) 260-1292. 

Thanks for your assistance with keeping current information provided for our


>From Thom Spittle Chairman of Rocky Bottom:

The Christmas Board retreat at Rocky Bottom is just 3 weeks away. Unlike in
the past, we will only allow State and Rocky Bottom board members to attend
in person. This will allow us to recognize social distancing throughout the
weekend. The board meetings will be held in a section of the dining hall,
since the conference room does not allow us the space needed to properly
social distance.

We will Zoom the board meetings, where each meeting will have time set aside
for questions from the Zoom audience.

If you are on the NFBofSC board, or the Rocky Bottom board of Directors and
have not spoken with me about room assignments, please call me at
803-331-3344, as soon as possible.

Thank you so much for your understanding,


>From Melanie Torrance, Chair Person of the Diabetes Action Network

Saturday, Nov. 14 was WORLD DIABETES DAY and the month of November is

There are 34.2 million diabetics of all ages in the U.S. and

463 million in the world, so it is a global epidemic. One out of four people
diagnosed with diabetes are not aware they have it. 

There is no cure for diabetes, so people with diabetes must learn to manage
and control their disease through a variety of actions and treatments. If
you are interested in learning more about diabetes such as the risk factors
and the different types, please join us at the Diabetes Action Network's
Zoom committee meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17th at 7:00 pm. 



SC Commission for the Blind Board Meeting:

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 . 1:30 pm
docx> Agenda

The Board Meeting will be conducted via phone/web conference call. Beginning
at 1:20 pm, participants may join the meeting:

*	With a smart phone / mobile device:

*	 <tel:1%20646%20876%209923,,999%201380%200970> Tap to join

*	Or by phone:

*	Dial ONE of the following numbers:
     <tel:1%20646%20876%209923> +1 646 876 9923 (primary)
     <tel:1%20301%20715%208592> +1 301 715 8592 (backup)
*	Enter the Meeting ID: 999 1380 0970
*	Press #


              From Derique Simon

              Do you find yourself wondering what to cook for dinner most
nights? Are you tired of making the same dishes over and over? Well stress
no longer because the South Carolina Association of Blind Students is here
to help if you need spicing up what you do in the kitchen. We are working on
our own one of a kind cook book and we need all of your help to make it a
hit. If you have any recipes that you would like to share with us please
send them to Trista Hubbs SCABS Secretary at hubbs.trista at gmail.com
<mailto:hubbs.trista at gmail.com>  


              If you made a pledge at our state convention banquet in
August, those tax -deductible contributions are due at the Center no later
than December 31, 2020. If you did not make a pledge, but wish to donate to
the National Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please send
donations to 119 S. Kilbourne Road, Columbia, SC 29205. You may also pay on
our website at www.nfbofsc.org <http://www.nfbofsc.org>  and look for the
donations link to pay through pay Pal. Thank you to all of those
individuals, chapters, and divisions who have fulfilled their pledges. I
will list all donors in the first Positive Note of 2021.


              Big News! The National Federation of the Blind of SC now has
an online enrollment membership form to pay your 2021 state dues. You will
be able to fill out the form online to provide the state office with updated
personal and contact information. You will also be able to pay your $10
state dues via secure Pay Pal. You will still need to pay your
chapter/division dues on the local level. After submitting the membership
form, you will be provided with a link to pay your $10 state dues through
Pay Pal. Your membership will not be confirmed until payment has been
received. After paying your $10 state dues via Pay Pal, we will receive a
message stating you have paid your state dues to confirm your membership.
Then you will be sent a message with a copy of your receipt for confirmation
later in the day. Please retain this confirmation for your records and proof
of payment.  Also, Pay Pal charges the NFB of SC a percentage for each
transaction. We would greatly appreciate you adding an extra $0.30 to your
donation to offset this charge. 

              If you need assistance completing the online form, you are
welcome to call Steve and Shannon Cook to help at (803) 254-0222. Leave a
message with your name and contact number if we are unavailable to answer
the phone.

              Thank you to those who have already paid your state dues! We
hope to see close to 100% of dues paid by December 31. Our membership
committee along with the help of our district reps will follow-up as we get
closer to the end of the year to assist those in completing their membership
form so that we can have all completed documentation to the national office
in a timely manner.  https://forms. gle/MGYktJPG3SatVBFWA




Braille Readers Are Leaders-A Contest for Children and Adults:

Encourage more Braille, improve reading skills, and win prizes. The National
Federation of the Blind is partnering with the American Action Fund for
Blind Children and Adults to present the 2020-2021 Braille Readers Are
Leaders contest to encourage Braille literacy and reading for pleasure.
Children and adults across the United States compete against their
same-grade peers to read the most Braille pages between December 1, 2020,
through January 18, 2021. Registration is open now. Learn more about the
Braille Readers Are Leaders
<https://www.actionfund.org/programs/braille-readers-are-leaders>  contest.


It's that Time of Year-Who Loves Santa Letters?:

Every year Santa Claus turns the staff at the National Federation of the
Blind into his honorary elves to help him send letters and activities in
Braille to young children (those under the age of ten) across the United
States. Between November 9 and December 16, parents can submit a request for
a letter at http://www.nfb.org/santa-letters. The form can also be printed
and faxed to 410-685-2340 or emailed to communityrelations at nfb.org
<mailto:communityrelations at nfb.org> . Beginning Monday, November 30, the
Braille letters from Santa will start going out to children. The Braille
letter will be accompanied by a print copy as well and some other fun
holiday activities. The deadline for letter requests is December 16. Learn
more about Santa Letters
ters> .


Teachers of Tomorrow Program:

If you are preparing for a career in teaching blind students, or if you are
an early career educator looking to enhance your teaching, then the National
Federation of the Blind invites you to apply for a spot in the first cohort
of our Teachers of Tomorrow program. This immersive, professional
development program connects teachers of blind and low-vision students to
the lived experiences of blind people, equipping participants with knowledge
about the skills and attitudes that can help blind students thrive in school
and beyond. The program is free to participants thanks to a partnership
between the National Federation of the Blind and the Gustavus and Louise
Pfeiffer Research Foundation. For more information or to apply, visit





Please NOTE: The following announcement is for high school seniors,
undergraduate students, or grad students who will be enrolled in an
accredited college or university in the fall of 2021.


Scholarship Program-Applications Open:

Every year, the National Federation of the Blind awards more than $120,000
to blind scholars across the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico in recognition of their achievements and professional
aspirations. Each scholarship winner is awarded based on their academic
excellence, community service, and leadership. The application process is
open and we encourage students to start the process now. Review the
rogram/scholarship-program-application-checklist> scholarship application
checklist and the
rogram/scholarship-program-faqs> scholarship program FAQs. Share this
opportunity that invests in the future of blind people. Learn about the
eligibility and requirements of the
rogram> 2021 scholarship program



New Opportunity to Support & Double Your Donations

The National Federation of the Blind is excited to announce a second
generous matching gift from Freedom Scientific, a Vispero brand, and the
maker of JAWS for Windows and Focus Braille displays. President Riccobono,
CEO Tom Tiernan, and blind student, Clara, help make the announcement
<https://www.nfb.org/libraries/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=18993&qid=4519626> .

Between November 12 and December 31, each dollar donated up to $50,000 will
be DOUBLED during The Freedom Scientific More Than Ever campaign. Double
your donations today!

Education, Employment, and So Much More

The $50,000 matching gift from Freedom Scientific comes at an important time
when the Federation is working to meet critical needs in education and
employment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As our shift to at-home schooling
and work become long-term, those without equal access to technology fall
farther and farther behind. Freedom Scientific's partnership will help the
Federation support families and connect and protect blind people across the

Double Your Dollars Now

To help ensure that we fulfill this matching gift, you can give by phone,
mail, or online. 

*	Visit nfb.org/donate
to give online. 
*	You can mail a check to National Federation of the Blind, 200 East
Wells Street at Jernigan Place, Baltimore, MD 21230. 
*	If you wish to contribute by phone using your credit card, please
call 410-659-9314, extension 2282.

Thank you for supporting the work of the Federation. Please visit our donate
and give your gift today. 











Final Thought: "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we
have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order,
confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace
for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie


NFB Pledge - I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National
Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution.


NFB One Minute Message - "The National Federation of the Blind knows that
blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every
day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations
create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life
you want; blindness is not what holds you back." 


If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive it
directly in your inbox, as well as, receive messages regarding the National
Federation of the Blind of South Carolina, please email Steve Cook at
cookcafe at sc.rr.com <mailto:cookcafe at sc.rr.com> .


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