[NFBofSC] Brief update on Debra Canty...

Debra Canty debracanty2021 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 00:59:35 UTC 2021

Greetings All!!!


Hallelujah-Thank you Jesus! I, Debra Canty was vaccinated. My medical
journey started on October 14 with COVID and on October 19 the second
diagnosis was COVID Pneumonia. Hospitalized on October 27 til November 4 and
now home recovering.


Mega thanks to each one of you who reached-out to me on this list serve and
personally with your text messages of inspirations, emails, door dashes,
cards in my mailbox, phone calls and most of all your sincere and humble
prayers. It's good to receive so much love from my Federation Family!


This is just a brief update and I am still under doctor's care on this
medical journey and once released duties will resume. 


With much gratitude,


Debra Canty, President

NFB of SC Sumter Chapter

NFB of SC 2nd VP 

P. O. Box 641

Sumter, SC 29151


Debracanty2021 at gmail.com <mailto:Debracanty2021 at gmail.com> 



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