[NFBofSC] SCAGDU meeting tonight 8PM - everyone is welcome!

Nancy Irwin Nancyeirwin at outlook.com
Mon Oct 24 20:05:35 UTC 2022

Good afternoon, everyone,
SCAGDU the SC Association of Guide Dog Users will have our monthly meeting tonight at 8PM on Zoom. The needed login info will follow the agenda
This division is for those that are interested in everything guide dog and those that prefer to use a guide dog as our primary mobility aid. Come join us, it’s a lot of fun!
On a personal note, would like to wish Frank Lozza the best as he starts his guide dog class at the Seeing Eye today to get his second guide dog. Can’t wait to hear about your dog Frank, we’re all pulling for you! Ha, no pun intended – guide dogs pull, don’t ya know!

Introductions of those present and roll call of members
Treasurer’s report
Review of minutes from previous meeting
Discussion topic: Questions from those that are interested in getting a guide dog and/or denials with your guide dog and how you handled it

Zoom info!
Meeting ID: 803 254 3777 Passcode: 124578
One tap mobile +19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York

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