[NFBofSC] Twitter

Steve Cook cookcafe at sc.rr.com
Tue Sep 20 10:17:57 UTC 2022

Hi Federation Family and Friends! 


Do you Tweet? If the answer is yes! Then you can follow the NFB of SC and
the Computer Science & Technology Division of the NFB of SC on Twitter!
Receive exciting and concise information throughout the day pertaining to
our wonderful affiliate! We will also be sharing information from our
National office as well as other resources that benefit our great members!
Kris Crawley will be the facilitator of our NFB of SC account and Steve Cook
will be the facilitator of the Computer Science & Technology Division


You are probably asking yourself, how do I find these accounts on Twitter?
Well that is a great question. Please see below on the information you will
need to find us on Twitter!!!!



National Federation of the Blind of SC



SC Computer Science & Technology Division



Steve Cook

If you would like to join the Computer Science & Technology Division for the
NFB of SC list serve, please send a message to
<mailto:SC-cstd-subscribe at nfbnet.org> SC-cstd-subscribe at nfbnet.org


National Association of Guide Dog Users Board Member

President of the Computer Science & Technology Division of the National
Federation of the Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the Columbia chapter of the National Federation of the
Blind of SC

1st Vice President of the SC Association of Guide Dog Users Division


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