[NFBofSC] Communities of Faith Group, Tonight at 8:00 PM

Elizabeth Rouse elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 14:00:00 UTC 2023

Good morning, all,

I hope this message finds you well.

As a reminder the Communities of Faith Group will have its first official
meeting tonight at 8 PM on the NFB of SC Zoom platform. We will be electing
our group chair for the coming year, so please attend and make your voice

NFB of SC Zoom


Meeting ID: 803 254 3777

Passcode: 124578

One tap mobile

+19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York)

+13017158592,,8032543777# US (Germantown)

Dial by your location

        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

Unfortunately, I will personally be unable to attend, so I invite whoever
is elected into the position to reach out to me to discuss how I can
continue to support the group and its efforts. 😊


Elizabeth Rouse
Treasurer | National Association of Blind Students (NABS)
Co-Chair | NABS Fundraising Committee
Board Member | Performing Arts Division
Elizabethrouse.nfb at gmail.com
(563) 210-1854
“If you can see yourself as an artist, and you can see that your life is
your own creation, then why not create the most beautiful story for
yourself?” - Miguel Ruiz
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