[NFBOH-Cleveland] Reminders, Comments and A Video

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 19 22:52:51 UTC 2017

Cleveland, please read to its entirety!


Once again, welcome to the NFBOH-Cleveland Listserve,




A. If you wish to attend the Washington Seminar 01/29-02/01 2018, please let
me know by November 30, 2017; so I can submit your name.

B. President Payne has requested names of those who would like to serve on a
State Committee, please email him at RCHPAY7 at gmail.com
<mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com> . 

C. PAC Pre-Authorized Contribution, You can help to support programs of the
NFB via checking account of a monthly monitary gift.  Please call the
Jernigan Institute to give your contact and banking info at 410-659-9314.   

D. Please sign up for OhioTalk at
http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/ohio-talk_nfbnet.org to get the latest
news that provides inclusion, empowerment and up to date laws and
legislation; on the State and National levels. .

  E. All New Members of the NFB should register at NFB.ORG and search for
new member registration and complete the form that will provide you with
access to materials; such as the Braille Monitor and more. 

F. The NFB National Convention is July 3rd thru the 8th 2018. You can make
your reservations now. 

Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel, 939 Universal Blvd, Orlando FL 32819

T: 866-996-6338   

P: $88.00 for singles and doubles and $93.00 for triples and quads, the tax
is 12.5%

G. Every month starting Monday December 4, 2017, I will send out a tribia
question for someone to receive a door prize.  There will be two winners.
You will email me the answers as soon as you have them.  These winners will
be marked by date and time of the email.  There will be two questions prior
to the meeting emailed to the Listserve.  The winners will be revealed at
the chapter meeting.  I will have a tribia game which will be different for
those who are not online.  

H. Please make every effort to sell your Love Bird Tickets.  They are ten
dollars apiece.  Have your person add their name and telephone number to the
smallest part of the ticket.  You keep that smaller part and provide them
with the larger.  If you need a flyer, please contact me at 216-990-6199.
Tickets and money will be turned in at our January 2018 meeting.  That same
night, the winner will be drawn.  This fund Raiser is to increase our
treasury and aid members to attend the 2018 National Federation of the Blind
National Convention.

I. I passed out two membership cards at the November Chapter meeting.  Your
charge is to bring a member into the organization.  Therefore, you will be
left with one card for yourself.  They do not have to be sighted to join.

For those who are not aware of our NFBOH-Cleveland officers :

NFBOH-Cleveland President: Suzanne Turner

NFBOH-Cleveland Vice President: Rosa Jones

NFBOH-Cleveland Second Vice President: William H. Turner

NFBOH-Cleveland Recording Secretary: Cheryl Fields

NFBOH-Cleveland Board Member: Octavia Culbert

NFBOH-Cleveland Board Member: Shirley Patterson

NFBOH-Cleveland Board Member: Theresa McKinney

NFBOH-Cleveland Board Member: Robert Campbell

Introducing the NFBOH-Cleveland Committees:


I Membership

William Turner, Chair

Owen McCafferty

Nettie McDermott

Rosa Jones

Suzanne Turner


II Employment

Wilbert Turner, Chair

Evelyn Morrison-Eaddie

Ken Ury

Robert Campbell

Octavia Culbert

Bryant Ealy


III Legislature

Robert Campbell, Chair

William Turner

Michael Swinney

Mary Ponder

Ivory Pattilo

IV Fund Raising

Natassha Ricks - Tereasa McKinney, Chairs

Arleen Hlad

Rebecca Russell

Annie Dixon



Joann Williams, Chair

Delcina Brown

William Turner

Louis Mach


V Senior

Shirley Patterson, Chair

Cecil Dukes

Billie Graham

Paula King

Gloria Conway


VI Community Engagement, 

Cheryl Fields, Chair

Bryan Ealey

Ronny Leath

Norma Turner

Carol-Ann Arrington


VII Diabetes

Sarah Bishop, Chair   

Alexis Tyson

Rosa Jones

Denise Moss


Sub Committees

A Social Media

Owen McCafferty, Chair

Danielle Turner

Shawanna Griffin, 

Larry Rodriguez 

Ali Benmerzouga 

Delcina Brown


B Organization and Planning Committee

Octavia Culbert, Chair

Arlene Hlad

Frankie Jones

Rebecca Russell

Paula King

  Joe Jones

Wayne Fletcher

Judy Barnes


One of the responsibilities of the Cleveland Chapter should be to stay
connected and up to date on NFB charges, bills and other significant
actions.  Therefore, I am introducing Cleveland's Listserve.  I have
forwarded all emails to David Andrews who handles all of the listservs
across the United States to add your email for communication.


You can subscribe either by going to:


or by sending e-mail to:

nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfboh-cleveland-request at nfbnet.org>  and put the word subscribe on
the subject line.


However, as I stated above, I have submitted your email addresses.  If you
know of someone who is not receiving information from this communication,
contact me or Cheryl Fields, NFBOH-Cleveland Recording Secretary.


If there is a member who is new to our Chapter or has a new email, provide
them with the necessary links.  Cheryl Fields, NFBOH-Cleveland Recording
Secretary, will monitor the list serve.  Hence, this communication will be
only for NFB purposes to communicate between the Jernigan Institute, NFB of
Ohio and Cleveland.  Please do not provide the links to non-members.

But, if you think that the content should be shared to promote, enhance and
empower the affiliate, you can share information.


Again welcome!


Listen to this video below! 

 <http://youtu.be/DesLNDBpYVE?list=UU2VqDaqQP_m2JeznJm2yz0w> video,



Suzanne Turner, President




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