[NFBOH-Cleveland] [Jobs] Position Available - University of Wisconsin Madison - Employee Accommodation Specialist

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 22:25:45 UTC 2018



From: Jobs [mailto:jobs-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Hyde, David W. (ESC) via Jobs
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:24 PM
To: 'jobs at nfbnet.org' <jobs at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Hyde, David W. (ESC) <david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us>
Subject: [Jobs] Position Available - University of Wisconsin Madison - Employee Accommodation Specialist


From: "Jones, Robin Ann" <guiness at uic.edu <mailto:guiness at uic.edu> >
Date: March 1, 2018 at 9:45:57 AM CST
Subject: FYI - Position Available - University of Wisconsin Madison - Employee Accommodation Specialist

The following information is forwarded to you by the Great Lakes ADA Center (www.adagreatlakes.org <https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30489975/www.adagreatlakes.org?p=eyJzIjoibC0ybUVrb1JYdFBfSG85TEhmRUZvYlhGTmw0IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDQ4OTk3NSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LmFkYWdyZWF0bGFrZXMub3JnXCIsXCJpZFwiOlwiZmU5MmQ5ODAwYjg5NGM4OGIyYWVhMjA4MzI1OGU2YTZcIixcInVybF9pZHNcIjpbXCI0OGU5YWI0Y2FlZmQ1MmU1ZDdkYjg5ZDFmYzAyODI3ZjgwYWEzYTQ2XCJdfSJ9> ) for your information:


The Office for Equity & Diversity at the University of Wisconsin - Madison seeks a skilled and passionate professional for the role of Employee Accommodation Specialist. This newly created and highly engaged position will specialize in supporting the workplace accommodation process for over 21,000 employees in our 32 colleges, schools, divisions and administrative units. The Employee Accommodation Specialist will have extensive contact and collaboration with stakeholders across campus providing assistance and expertise to employees (faculty, academic staff, university staff, etc.), over 60 Divisional Disability Representatives (DDRs), supervisors and others. The position is located within the Office for Equity & Diversity in the Division of Diversity, Equity & Educational Achievement and reports to the Disability Coordinator/Employment.


We seek an experienced candidate with a demonstrated commitment to persons with disabilities, exceptional communication and collaboration skills and the ability to exercise considerable judgment, discretion and initiative. This position is integral in supporting the interactive disability accommodation process for employees/applicants and for assuring compliance within a complex framework of federal, state and university rules, regulations and policies.


The University of Wisconsin Madison offers a rich, dynamic and collaborative environment to work and grow. UW-Madison provides an excellent benefits package including participation in the State of Wisconsin retirement plan and a competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience.


The search committee invites applications submitted no later than March 31, 2018 at 11:55pm CST.  For a complete description of the position and instructions on how to apply, go to http://jobs.hr.wisc.edu/cw/en-us/job/497468/employee-accommodation-specialist <https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30489975/jobs.hr.wisc.edu?p=eyJzIjoibEh6QzVxbXlFVjBFZkJTTDR5dkZOQ0RZTGw0IiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDQ4OTk3NSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvam9icy5oci53aXNjLmVkdVxcXC9jd1xcXC9lbi11c1xcXC9qb2JcXFwvNDk3NDY4XFxcL2VtcGxveWVlLWFjY29tbW9kYXRpb24tc3BlY2lhbGlzdFwiLFwiaWRcIjpcImZlOTJkOTgwMGI4OTRjODhiMmFlYTIwODMyNThlNmE2XCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiMjYwYjJhY2VkNmEwMmZiYThmYTQwMjU1MGIzYjVhZTc1OTJmY2I2ZFwiXX0ifQ> 


As an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer, UW-Madison is committed to inclusive excellence and is actively seeking applications from individuals from diverse groups; veterans and individuals with disabilities.


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