[NFBOH-Cleveland] FW: 2020 Primary Election Voting for People with Disabilities

ali benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 16 20:03:00 UTC 2020

Hello Cleveland,

Please take a look at the email below.





From: Laura Gold <lgold at sil-oh.org> 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2020 10:15 AM
To: Laura Gold <lgold at sil-oh.org>
Subject: FW: 2020 Primary Election Voting for People with Disabilities


A Message from Brett Harbage, the Ohio Secretary of State's ADA Coordinator:


The Ohio Secretary of State's ADA Coordinator, Brett Harbage and EIT
Accessibility Coordinator, Nathan Fernandes will share information regarding
the extended 2020 Primary Election and discuss the options people with
disabilities have to vote privately and independently. 


The agenda for the meeting is attached, we will be partnering with the Deaf
Service Center to provide a sign language interpreter and closed captioning
services. Please let me know if you need remote interpreting services so we
can ensure you have appropriate access to the meeting.


Please feel free to share this meeting with your staff, colleagues,
consumers or other organizations you are affiliated with so we can ensure
that people with disabilities know and understand their opportunities to
vote in the extended 2020 Primary Election. 


If you have any questions about the meeting please call me at 614-387-6039
or contact me by email at bharbage at OhioSoS.gov <mailto:bharbage at OhioSoS.gov>



9ffbb1c382%22%7d> Join Microsoft Teams Meeting 

 <tel:+1%20614-721-2044,,513172612#> +1 614-721-2044   United States,
Columbus (Toll) 

Conference ID: 513 172 612# 



Thank you,



Laura A. Gold, J.D.

Manager, Community Services

Services for Independent Living

26250 Euclid Avenue, Suite 801

Euclid, OH  44132

Voice Mail:  216.815.0015

Text:  216.389.2423

Email:  lgold at sil-oh.org




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