[NFBOH-Cleveland] Cleveland Chapter Meeting Today At 5 in the Zoom Room

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 18:57:20 UTC 2023



From: Suzanne Turner <smturner.234 at gmail.com> 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2023 10:51 AM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List' <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>;
labichedianam at yahoo.com; bernie824617 at icloud.com;
denise-hudson at sbcglobal.net; NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; 'Lisa Bostick''
<lbostick04 at jcu.edu>; Victory71351 at AOL.COM; AlexisTyson2000 at Yahoo.com;
'Edgarsfarm'' <edgarsfarm at aol.com>; 'Sandra Krems' <slkrems at yahoo.com>;
bdowdy1983 at gmail.com; shawgriff781 at gmail.com; Nricks123 at me.com;
stuff12993 at aol.com; lmr.upshaw at gmail.com; Dr.Carolyn.Peters at gmail.com;
patrinkle at icloud.com; 'Ali Benmerzouga'' <ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com>;
regina.mason216 at gmail.com; ccjeff at ameritech.net; Arringtonrs at gmail.com;
NFBOH-Cleveland at nfbnet.org; Victory71351 at AOL.COM; BigPapaZo at roadrunner.com;
WO.Turner5 at sbcglobal.net; lewisbarbee at yahoo.com; remacd3 at gmail.com;
Chefgreen56 at gmail.com; delcenia at prodigy.net; Campbelllegal87 at gmail.com;
riscw619 at gmail.com; davidgGray1984 at gmail.com; dwjann57 at gmail.com;
charlenebolden at att.net; BillieGraham38 at gmail.com; williamsjoann at outlook.com;
Butler.Henry at icloud.com; TMcKenney51 at Icloud.com; lelinda at roadrunner.com;
TurnerW794 at gmail.com; info at onhconsulting.com; 'ali benmerzouga'
<ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com>; Tawnt at yahoo.com; nnulite at sbcglobal.net;
thorpe.ronda at gmail.com; auntro3135 at gmail.com; TraceySinkovic17 at gmail.com;
Nricks123 at me.com; aanderson at csjtech.com; jjstover at kent.edu;
Astover at kent.edu; mr.algee at icloud.com; dawnsmosny at gmail.com;
lelinda at roadrunner.com; graceamani at yahoo.com; tomeika1993 at icloud.com;
nrjohnson125 at gmail.com; schiemja at gmail.com; mrmarionparker at gmail.com;
Brian_royko at live.com; ltoney at kent.edu; hkpwrit at gmail.com; rroche47 at aol.com;
cantseecutie at att.net; dorotheadavis4444 at gmail.com; 23vaughan.rees at rrcs.org;
stuffalyn at aol.com; 'Kathy Legg' <kalegg0220 at gmail.com>; santhiven at gmail.com;
skybey75 at gmail.com
Cc: smturner.234 at gmail.com
Subject: Cleveland Updates


Good Afternoon Cleveland Members,


Just a few announcements


Please read all the way to the bottom so that you do not miss anything.


First, our October Chapter meeting will be held on zoom. We will meet today
on Friday, October 20, 2023 at 5:00 PM in the Ohio Zoom Room. The link is
below to connect.


It is election time for Cleveland. There are two board seats open. If you
want to run for one of them, contact Vice President, William Turner at
330-328-9860. I want to thank Robert Campbell and Theresa McKenney for their
service for the last two years.


It is time to pay dues, Dues are $15 for 2024. You can pay by sending them
to Natassha Ricks. Her address is 6980 Ladd Lane, Maple Heights, Ohio 44137.
Please call her at 216-376-9863 to notify that the funds are on the way.
Also, you will be able to pay dues in person as well. I will let you know
that location to do so soon.


The State Convention is at hand. If you have not preregister or made
reservations at the host hotel, please do so. The link to preregister is
below and call the hotel at 614-885-3334. Also, Preregistration is $25 and
the banquet is $55. There is also boxed lunches for $25 and CPR training for
$10. I am encouraging all members to take the CPR training to save your life
and others. Normally, the training costs $60, but we are provided with a


As a reminder, the Senior Division is selling $10 tickets for a drawing at
the convention to win $200. Please spread the word. Let's raise funds for
the treasury. Also, do not forget about the Health and Safety Basket. All
seniors are encouraged to participate. You will bring the items to the
convention and the basket will be created for the auction.


Do you have talent. Wilbert Turner is facilitating "You Got Talent" at the
convention. It was a hit last year. So, performers call him and get your
name on his list. His cell is 216-212-4959.


Cleveland will have three fundraisers in 2024. The shoe drive and the flyer
is below to share. Also, the Gospel Fest flyer is attached and below to
share.  There is one additional fundraiser that we will discuss during the
Chapter meeting next week. Let's grow our treasury.


The Ohio Affiliate has two fundraisers. Meat Sticks are being sold now
online and by hand. You can go to the link below and purchase. Also, Theresa
McKenney is selling them. You can contact her if you would like to purchase.
The link is below!

Additionally, the affiliate has NFB Ohio Gear. If you would like to purchase
a long or short sleeve T-shirt or zip or over the head hoody, you can email
President Payne at RCHPAY7 at gmail.com <mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com>  to make
your selection. Please include your size, color and style. You can contact
me for purchasing details. 



Here are all announcements!.


Complete Preregistration here.

 <https://forms.gle/cnWzoCHD4kqmc81U7> https://forms.gle/cnWzoCHD4kqmc81U7


Apply here for State convention assistance  



Order Your Meat Sticks? Continue sharing the following link with your
friends and family:




Creative, Community-Friendly Fundraiser

Repurpose And Recycle Shoes For A Cause



The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter is embarking
upon a new innovative fundraising opportunity and not asking for money but
collecting shoes instead.


This fundraiser is pressure free and you will be providing shoes for people
who do not have money to purchase them. All used, new and gently worn shoes
of all types are appreciated. The only type of shoes that are not accepted
are skates. So send your high heels, sneakers, slippers, boots and more of
all ages to the Cleveland Chapter.


Just knowing that the pile of shoes in your closet , under the bed or in the
garage will be a benefit to someone who doesn't have any. Then the collected
and repurposing shoes get shipped to micro-worldwide countries.


Again, all shoes are welcome and do not worry if they are scuffed or worn
down. We will take them all!


For more information, contact Suzanne Turner, President

(216) 990-6199.

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio Cleveland Chapter





The Ohio Senior Division is offering an opportunity to win $200 by adding
your name in our annual drawing.


You can now purchase a chance prior to the State of Ohio Convention by
sending funds to our Treasurer, Gloria Conway by mail or Zelle .


Each chance of a ten dollar purchase get you closer to winning the pot.


Anyone can purchase a chance and you do not have to be present to win!


Note: if you purchase a chance by Zelle, in the comment field, indicate the
funds are for the "Senior Drawing". Conveniently, now you also can pay your
dues by Zelle. There is only a 50 cent fee. So include that in all


Here are the ways to purchase a chance:

1. Mail Gloria at,16008 Evening Star Ave, Maple Heights, Ohio 44137 and make
checks payable to NFB of Ohio Senior Division.

2. By selecting Zelle, use   the email address:  <mailto:edgarsfarm at aol.com>
edgarsfarm at aol.com and in the comments field, write Senior Drawing.

3. Lastly, "Bill Pay" through your financial institution is a third option.
However, the bank check must also be made out to NFB of Ohio Senior Division
and not the Treasurer's name.


Where: Ohio Zoom Hall

 <https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851


Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

One tap mobile

+16468769923,,4081850851# US (New York)

+13017158592,,4081850851# US (Germantown)


Dial by your location

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

Find your local number:  <https://zoom.us/u/abUfeUkQWm>


Join by Skype for Business

 <https://zoom.us/skype/4081850851> https://zoom.us/skype/4081850851


For questions, contact,

Richard Payne, Ohio Affiliate President

(937) 829-3368

 <mailto:RCHPAY7 at gmail.com> RCHPAY7 at gmail.com



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