[NFBOK-Talk] Senators Warren and Hatch Introduce New Higher Education Legislation

Jeanie Massay jeannie.massay at nfbok.org
Sun Nov 19 20:28:41 UTC 2017


Senators Warren and Hatch Introduce New Higher Education Legislation

AIM HIGH Act Promotes Equal Access for the Blind and other Students with


Washington, DC (November 17, 2017): Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) have introduced the Accessible Instructional
Materials in Higher Education (AIM HIGH) Act, S. 2138.

The legislation will authorize the creation of voluntary guidelines to help
colleges and universities meet the needs of blind students and students with
other disabilities that make it difficult or impossible to read print. The
National Federation of the Blind and other advocates support the bill.

The guidelines will be created by a commission made up of people with
disabilities, developers, manufacturers, and representatives from colleges
and universities. The commission will also develop a list of national and
international information technology standards as an added resource for
these institutions and the companies that serve the higher education market.

Approved Quotes for This Release

"This legislation is critically important to blind Americans and to me
personally, as the father of three children, two of whom are blind," said
Mark Riccobono, President of the National Federation of the Blind. "We
applaud Senators Hatch and Warren for taking this step to give colleges and
universities the information they need to provide the equal education to
which the blind and other students with disabilities are entitled."

"As new technologies enter university classrooms across the country, it's
essential that students with disabilities are able to take advantage of
these innovations and fully participate in the college experience with their
peers," Senator Warren said. "I'm glad to join Senator Hatch to introduce
this bipartisan legislation, which will help colleges select accessible
materials that allow all students to succeed."

"Since I took office, I have championed an even playing field in education
for students with disabilities," Hatch said. "As technology has evolved, so
has the need for students with disabilities to gain access to innovative
learning materials. This bill establishes an independent commission that
will create high-quality accessibility guidelines to benefit both students
with disabilities and institutions of higher education. As a primary author
of the Americans with Disabilities Act, I'm happy to work with Senator
Warren in moving this bill through the legislative process to remove
barriers in the classroom for students with disabilities."


About the National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB), headquartered in Baltimore, is
the oldest and largest nationwide organization of blind Americans. Founded
in 1940, the NFB consists of affiliates, chapters, and divisions in the
fifty states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico. The NFB defends the rights of
blind people of all ages and provides information and support to families
with blind children, older Americans who are losing vision, and more. We
believe in the hopes and dreams of blind people and work together to
transform them into reality. Learn more about our many programs and
initiatives at www.nfb.org
> .



Chris Danielsen

Director of Public Relations

National Federation of the Blind

(410) 659-9314, extension 2330

(410) 262-1281 (Cell)

cdanielsen at nfb.org <mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org> 








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| (410) 659-9314
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