[NFBp-Berks] FW: looking for helpers for the general sessions with door prizes

Joseph Drenth joe.drenth at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 12:37:21 UTC 2022

Hi all,
Here is another opportunity to help at the NFB 2022 National Convention, this time with door prizes.
If interested, please reach out directly to Bennett Prows by sending an email to:
 <mailto:prize at nfb.org> prize at nfb.org.
>From Bennett Prows, Convention Door Prize Chair:
Help wanted!
Our in person  convention coming up is going to be great. One of my favorite things to do is to announce the winners of our door prizes during convention sessions. But help is wanted! If you are interested in working during convention sessions to make sure the door prizes are moving smoothly, there may be a fun task in your future. 
We need a few good people to help manage the prizes. We need help with the prize inventory. We want to make sure we have enough prizes to get us through all the tremendous activities during the general sessions. We need the prize at the microphone ready to be delivered to the lucky person who wins each of them.  
We’ll need runners to spot and take the prize to the person in the ballroom who wins and is raising her/his hand and otherwise excitedly jumping up and down or otherwise making their presence known to us.
We will also need a couple of people available to read the information on the visual screen so we’ll have the names to be called.
If you or someone you know would be interested in helping the door prize group, please contact me before convention at  <mailto:prize at nfb.org> prize at nfb.org. I’m looking forward to the moments of fun we have during the very substantive gathering.
Bennett Prows
Door prize chair  
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