[NFBp-Berks] Ambassador Volunteer Opportunity at NFB National Convention
Joseph Drenth
joe.drenth at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 12:41:58 UTC 2022
Hi again, everyone,
Okay, here is one more volunteer opportunity for attendees of the NFB 2022 National Convention by way of the NFB of Texas.
From: Norma Crosby <ncrosby at nfbtx.org <mailto:ncrosby at nfbtx.org> >
Hello to everyone who is attending the upcoming convention. I need to ask for some help from you. Each year, we use volunteers from our affiliates to assist with convention logistics. For most people this will involve taking a few shifts as talking signs, also known as marshals.
If you are attending the convention in person, and if you'd like to be one of those people who say things like, "General session this way", please contact me so I can share your contact information with Dan Burke. Dan oversees our ambassadors and will make the necessary assignments.
To offer your assistance for this project, please send a brief email to me. You might use a subject line like, "NFB2022 Ambassadors", and I'll share your name with Dan. I will have your email address if you write to me, but it would also be helpful if you share your cell number just in case I don't already have it.
The sooner you respond the better. Write to me at ncrosby at nfbtx.org <mailto:ncrosby at nfbtx.org> .
Best regards,
Norma Crosby, President
National Federation of the Blind of Texas
1600 E Highway 6, Suite 215
Alvin, TX 77511
(281) 968-7733 (Main Office)
(832) 558-4940 (Fax)
ncrosby at nfbtx.org <mailto:ncrosby at nfbtx.org>
To make a meeting appointment with me go to https://calendly.com/ncrosby/meeting
"Live the life you want."
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