[NFBp-Berks] PAC Plan update

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 17:59:02 UTC 2022

Greetings to all,


This is your affiliate PAC Plan Coordinator Brian Mackey with a PAC Plan
update. For those of you that don't know what "PAC" stands for, it stands
for Pre Authorized Contributions. This is a national program where
individuals, state affiliates, affiliate chapters and divisions, national
divisions, and companies can have funds pre-approved to be contributed to
the National Federation of the Blind as little as $5 a month ($0.17 a day).
That is the same as five WaWa coffees when they are running their $1 coffee
special during the summer. Your monthly contributions goes directly into the
national treasury for its general fund account.


Through the PAC Plan, the following items are covered:

*	Distribution of free literature
*	funding the Free White Cane program
*	funding the Free Slate & Stylus program
*	funding the NFB scholarship programs
*	funding the BELL Academy program
*	assisting in legal battles such as accessible mail-in voting
*	funding to provide free web hosting to state affiliates and national
divisions for their websites through NFBNet
*	And so much more.


As of the end of May, Pennsylvania ranked 21st at $688.00 a month with 28
participants. The participants count included the state affiliate, the
majority of the chapters, the Parents Division, and a number of individual
members. But as Scott LaBarre always says during national convention, "I
want more!" I would love it if Pennsylvania could come out of national
convention at $750 a month or more. If we do, Pennsylvania has the
possibility of moving up to #19 by hopping over Florida and New York. But if
we go as high as $800 a month on PAC after national convention, we could
also jump over Washington and Iowa to be at #17.


You can create a new PAC Plan pledge or increase an existing pledge via one
of the following methods:

*	Complete the accessible fillable online form found at
www.nfb.org/pac <http://www.nfb.org/pac> 
*	Dial 877-632-2722 (877-NFB-2PAC)
*	Send an email to pac at nfb.org <mailto:pac at nfb.org> 


So as the PAC song goes:

Get on the PAC Plan, sign up today!

We need your contributions right away!

To fund a movement, it must be done,

So that all our battles can be won!


PACfully yours,


Brian A. Mackey

Brian A. Mackey
Administrative Assistant, Doubletree Reading Hotel
Owner, Mackey Enterprises, LLC
Treasurer & Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind of Pennsylvania
Webmaster, National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey, Delaware,
Massachusetts, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, South Dakota, West Virginia,
Connecticut, & Arkansas, 
DeafBlind Division, Seniors Division, and National Organization of Parents
of Blind Children
Secretary & Webmaster, Middle Atlantic Blind Golf Association
 <mailto:Bmackey88 at gmail.com> Bmackey88 at gmail.com

"Happy are those who dream dreams and are willing to pay the price to make
those dreams come true"
      -Vince Papale


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