[NFBp-Berks] Summer Astronomy Camp 2022

Brian Mackey bmackey88 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 19:05:29 UTC 2022


Summer Astronomy Camp (3 days, 2 overnights).


July 27th – 29th


Edinboro University of Pennsylvania 



Any Pennsylvania 9th – 12th grade student who is blind/VI and who would like to learn more about astronomy. The 

materials are ideally designed for those who are tactilely acute and/or Braille readers. 


How Much:

It’s FREE! Thanks to a generous grant from the Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium and generous support from the Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Foundation and The Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services… 



Join Dr. David Hurd who serves as professor and planetarium director at Edinboro University for a 3 day/2night astronomy camp! Hurd has over 35 years teaching experience in physical science and during the last 25 years has worked extensively with NASA in the development of accessible materials for the blind/VI. His vast experiences and books have been used around the globe. During this camp, you will be introduced to at least 9 different products that you get to keep. What is a crater? What is light pollution? How do you use a star chart? These questions and more will be explored together. 


Special speakers will join us through Zoom and include 

*	Ken Silberman, blind NASA scientist at Goddard Space Flight Center, Maryland
*	Robert Sheldon, blind NASA engineer at Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas


Experience college life like never before by staying in the dorms, eating at the cafeteria, and sitting under the lessons and experiences led by Dr. Hurd.

Students will be sharing same-sex rooms and two male and two female chaperones with clearances will assist in the dormitories each night. 


To Reserve your spot: 

Contact David Hurd for application form 

dhurd at edinboro.edu <mailto:dhurd at edinboro.edu> 

(814) 323-9228

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