[NFBP-Talk] OT Mayor of Pittsburgh

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Mon Feb 26 15:13:18 UTC 2018

Did you all see the Mayor of Pittsburgh on that show where heads of
companies go under cover to see how things are really working or not
working. Well, Mister Mayor of Pittsburgh was on yesterday. I missed the
first part talking about the history of Pittsburgh, but I watched him work
with a man called "whisper" who recovered from Throat cancer who loved
animals. For you Christians and all, how the repair man gave his testimony
of how he kicked, what I thought he said was Cocaine. My husband said
recovered from Crack cocaine. Ok, that made more sense why he was in
eighteen drug treatment places. He finally recovered through faith in Jesus
Christ. I prayed the Mayor really heard to deepen his own faith. There were
more cool things, but those two really struck me. Oh, and the guy pulling
his chain and knew who he was, giggle. He gave the Mayor a dull chainsaw,


There is lots to love about my roots in the Pittsburgh area. Thank you for
letting me rejoice with you.



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