[NFBP-Talk] CALL TO ACTION LAST CHANCE L&I Seeks Public Input on Proposed Changes to Pennsylvania’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services Plan

Drenth, Joe Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM
Tue Jun 4 21:21:42 UTC 2019

Hello Linda,

The meeting on June 13 in Wilkes-Barre is a quarterly meeting of the State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation, which is the board that has authority under the Pennsylvania vocational rehabilitation act to make policy decisions for OVR. The Secretary of Labor and Industry is the chair of this Board, and I am one of the members – the only one who represents blind and visually impaired OVR consumers.

During the June 13 meeting, the L&I secretary and the new Executive Director of OVR will give updates on the closing of the Order of Selection and other important issues. I and the director of the Client Assistance Program (CAP) will be making the argument against eliminating BBVS and also a case for not closing the Order of Selection.

If I am the only blind person at the meeting, I will be summarily dismissed by the Secretary, who cares very little for anyone else’s opinion when it conflicts with his own. His plans are to do away with the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services, so I and anyone who can make it need to stand up against his agenda.

We are trying to get everyone who can possibly make it to attend in support of keeping BBVS separate and for not closing the Order of Selection. I do not know how many people will be able to attend, but every single person matters, without a doubt.

Thank you,

Joseph Drenth
First Vice-President, NFB of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation
Senior R&D Software Engineer, JBT Corporation, Automated Systems Division

From: Linda Mackey [mailto:snowwhite014 at gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 5:10 PM
To: NFB of Pennsylvania Talk, state list; Drenth, Joe
Subject: Re: [NFBP-Talk] CALL TO ACTION LAST CHANCE L&I Seeks Public Input on Proposed Changes to Pennsylvania’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services Plan

**This email is from an external sender**
I received the email regarding the last call for input into to proposed changes to PA's VR services.  It stated public meetings were held May 22nd.  If that is the case, what is the meeting that is to take place in Harrisburg on June 13th? And will it really make a difference if we go? And do we know if anyone from the different chapters are going?

Thank you

Linda Mackey

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 12:03 PM Emily Gindlesperger via NFBP-Talk <nfbp-talk at nfbnet.org<mailto:nfbp-talk at nfbnet.org>> wrote:
Good morning everyone!

Tomorrow is the deadline to submit emails concerning the closing of the order of selection.  Below is the information that we distributed earlier.

Send email to OVRFeedback at pa.gov<mailto:OVRFeedback at pa.gov>, with “OOS closing all categories” in the subject line.
5PM on June 4 is the deadline.

Also, please remember to copy Joe Drenth Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM<mailto:Joe.Drenth at JBTC.COM> on your submission, as well as the offices of your local representatives and senators.  If you need help locating your representative's information, please email me.

Thank you,
Emily W. Gindlesperger
Legislative Director
National Federation of the Blind of PA

[Title: L&I's logo - Description: L&I's logo: a dark and light blue keystone with curved white stripes through it. To the right of the keystone is the text: Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.]
May 3, 2019
L&I Seeks Public Input on Proposed Changes to Pennsylvania’s Vocational Rehabilitation Services Plan
Harrisburg, PA – Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) Secretary Jerry Oleksiak today encouraged Pennsylvanians to provide comments on proposed changes to the state’s vocational rehabilitation services plan. Pennsylvania expects less federal reallocation funds for the vocational rehabilitation program and must adjust the plan.
“Our primary goal throughout this process is to ensure that services continue to be provided to as many people with disabilities as possible across the commonwealth,” said Secretary Oleksiak. “I urge interested Pennsylvanians to provide us with their feedback.”
Due to the anticipated decline in federal reallocation funds, the independent Pennsylvania State Board of Vocational Rehabilitation recently voted unanimously to begin the process to close the Order of Selection, in essence creating a temporary waiting list for new OVR customers. Services would continue for current OVR customers with an Individualized Plan for Employment, as well as Pre-employment Transition Services for students with disabilities, as required by federal law.
The proposal is available in the Pennsylvania Bulletin<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fu7061146.ct.sendgrid.net%2Fwf%2Fclick%3Fupn%3D84Em28S1K9SvtzcUtu04EuCj8in0zBzuXMOHmNCQAhgXi-2FyNdI38-2FSOBcAhtrPvG_-2BA7IvuaRH7qNzcMU-2FZJF4KQdPWbrMj5flbCIW-2FU7Gev-2BaVSDqP04jGUc-2BJk3zbhS6a-2FWKmIfwfDV2cqzcXOgUfImiIdt7fxLAhjIjo-2B2dkdoli3b0ZhiQR2VVwYReBkhE4MdUpugq-2F0DNdSXJbSL5RhdaKpll7-2BNBox0BKV7AXgNJQn83zaSeaPzUOWPM9m6BuwiOOCUBRJekbHC46zBlGNEFh6jsYj5MFJVF3FfLsGSiiLqbROA2xrsA3nrkleuEiRt-2FL8xPqiokSYyd6FNk-2BNYatIWjYs9lrEEcVmU4T0NzDoCYXPGOme-2Fv-2BY7vRoLtZBzjcOMOScY7BVVQR8i7Q-3D-3D&data=02%7C01%7CJoe.Drenth%40jbtc.com%7C960911fe8fb84a1a2b0c08d6e93119f5%7C91c2207902ce47e8bb5bc93a3d5f1a78%7C0%7C0%7C636952794439328621&sdata=ExnD9LViyz4663uG7%2BmCCumCMX9QeSXn5F0gj%2BN91UM%3D&reserved=0>. Comments will be accepted for 30 days, until 5:00 PM on Tuesday, June 4, 2019, and should be emailed to OVRFeedback at pa.gov<mailto:OVRFeedback at pa.gov>, with “OOS closing all categories” in the subject line. Written comments may also be mailed to OVR Central Office, c/o Cindy Mundis, 1521 North 6th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17102.
Public meetings will be conducted in-person throughout the state in each OVR district office<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fu7061146.ct.sendgrid.net%2Fwf%2Fclick%3Fupn%3DG62jSYfZdO-2F12d8lSllQB7pPQw8nOaAr0Vyjd4RPu-2FRnOMG99qDj40RcY5GIPO8zcpklhQQngl0Qv-2FgXraJGL6T3L0hCLrgmv7sSwgNeHuhRjJuuP8qXRvWisrDxEDGGIGCJPYeSxSeku44K3XiJ7A-3D-3D_-2BA7IvuaRH7qNzcMU-2FZJF4KQdPWbrMj5flbCIW-2FU7Gev-2BaVSDqP04jGUc-2BJk3zbhS6a-2FWKmIfwfDV2cqzcXOgUfImiIdt7fxLAhjIjo-2B2dkdoli3b0ZhiQR2VVwYReBkhE4MdUpugq-2F0DNdSXJbSL5RhdaKpll7-2BNBox0BKV7AXgNJQn83zaSeaPzUOWPM9m64g5rGh-2FRfblYjAfXgZUsU6GguNpamio9NegUYhnJxb-2FgE9bWU5G79wNgrmqLDVPBm-2FN63tHGcQK6XWUAPYFgfu-2BR5iXSytvIC9J8DH6rQFw8LCGoFB-2BO-2BP0gmGFgrx6ZChLEwHI19mubzgqQwI8Q4A-3D-3D&data=02%7C01%7CJoe.Drenth%40jbtc.com%7C960911fe8fb84a1a2b0c08d6e93119f5%7C91c2207902ce47e8bb5bc93a3d5f1a78%7C0%7C0%7C636952794439338615&sdata=QseeSIGilCvbwFL2SRUspEkqt%2BCSGLKLmrExPfvyNok%3D&reserved=0> on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM and 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. Individuals who are unable to attend in person can participate via phone<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fu7061146.ct.sendgrid.net%2Fwf%2Fclick%3Fupn%3DG62jSYfZdO-2F12d8lSllQB7pPQw8nOaAr0Vyjd4RPu-2FRnOMG99qDj40RcY5GIPO8zMteAOfvbIkiKk1UyX64Nn3H75QVqSZL4Z9n7W4byF8ZyqIyhpM4kvfDW7wkRbb0x_-2BA7IvuaRH7qNzcMU-2FZJF4KQdPWbrMj5flbCIW-2FU7Gev-2BaVSDqP04jGUc-2BJk3zbhS6a-2FWKmIfwfDV2cqzcXOgUfImiIdt7fxLAhjIjo-2B2dkdoli3b0ZhiQR2VVwYReBkhE4MdUpugq-2F0DNdSXJbSL5RhdaKpll7-2BNBox0BKV7AXgNJQn83zaSeaPzUOWPM9m6eUnfrjfFMru0vXCuI0Y6Y4QeKAw47SW-2Bao9GFMSL9ckOzeq38XZjl4by-2FqVGR8w0q8fRuBwx91Hrc4iFjIQJcS1FDZdmHpWuMKIj-2BYBQVyamkV6ihceveGlhNOUb3ksFUMbiutC9oPzteSfrYGrCcA-3D-3D&data=02%7C01%7CJoe.Drenth%40jbtc.com%7C960911fe8fb84a1a2b0c08d6e93119f5%7C91c2207902ce47e8bb5bc93a3d5f1a78%7C0%7C0%7C636952794439348612&sdata=Tan%2B4E9SWu0XcevvjNLHf8SfFLanRmINiKEsFOy%2FKBo%3D&reserved=0>. All meeting sites are accessible and interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing will be present at each public meeting.
Following the public comment period, the U.S. Department of Education’s Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) will review OVR’s request to temporarily close the order of selection. If approved, the waiting list is expected to be implemented on July 1, 2019.
For more information, visit the OVR page<https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fu7061146.ct.sendgrid.net%2Fwf%2Fclick%3Fupn%3DG62jSYfZdO-2F12d8lSllQB7pPQw8nOaAr0Vyjd4RPu-2FRnOMG99qDj40RcY5GIPO8zMteAOfvbIkiKk1UyX64NnztDrFbcwX-2FFLx5qRQTNuiOH2mYWHRUld9dpicaDmsMo_-2BA7IvuaRH7qNzcMU-2FZJF4KQdPWbrMj5flbCIW-2FU7Gev-2BaVSDqP04jGUc-2BJk3zbhS6a-2FWKmIfwfDV2cqzcXOgUfImiIdt7fxLAhjIjo-2B2dkdoli3b0ZhiQR2VVwYReBkhE4MdUpugq-2F0DNdSXJbSL5RhdaKpll7-2BNBox0BKV7AXgNJQn83zaSeaPzUOWPM9m6mgeTuiM6V-2Bzrep9aFp-2BGRhInMdAbYDKkREbSoyFE8XG7dCe78dnYqIvS-2FXLmFuEcRAl1JIijRGLI63V7eR6aoeXxApo9-2FHWc5hcM5ffNjD9Kjat3-2FnsMNwZ6uvOShW3ILFyAIEtdSLJ-2BG8ibCzswIA-3D-3D&data=02%7C01%7CJoe.Drenth%40jbtc.com%7C960911fe8fb84a1a2b0c08d6e93119f5%7C91c2207902ce47e8bb5bc93a3d5f1a78%7C0%7C0%7C636952794439358605&sdata=IALCxaKTwdIUyZJwuZDBaY2W4WdKmZ6NoA%2BstFWA8II%3D&reserved=0> on the Department of Labor & Industry’s website.
MEDIA CONTACT: Penny Ickes, 717-787-7530 or dlipress at pa.gov<mailto:dlipress at pa.gov>
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