[NFBP-Talk] Recording from: Applying for the Jernigan Fund segment sponsored by In Class with Greater Philly

DENICE BROWN dbrown8827 at aol.com
Mon Mar 7 20:15:19 UTC 2022

Hi Everyone,

Thank you to those of you who joined in with this afternoon‘s segment which contains information about applying for the Jernigan Fund. Here is a copy of the recording with the necessary password needed to listen.

https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/OKi34539Nhn_h4xuFysC4LPuiwTncdvLo42mU4SYYq1VczvjrvBoHvdPcfHZfZFW.tm47vXl2oaOJ2axW Passcode: !Cz^*BY7

For those of you who live in Pennsylvania: here is the contact information for State President Lynn Heitz
Email: president at nfbp.org
Office phone: 215-988-0888

Denice Brown

Sent from My IPhone
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