[Nfbsatx] Web Site Down, Help on the Way

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 7 01:17:07 UTC 2010

Good evening everyone,

    If you have attempted to access the chapter Web site in recent days 
you've probably discovered that once again it has been down. It's the usual 
suspects. As some of you know I'm in the process of setting up my own 
hosting company and have discussed with A. Z. creating a Web site mirror. 
This is an exact duplicate of our chapter Web site that is placed on a 
secondary server which the domain host will send requests to should the 
primary hosting server be unavailable.

    For example if someone wishes to view our site and NFB Net is the 
primary server the domain host will attempt to send all requests to that 
host. Should NFB Net be unavailable for some reason visitor requests will be 
sent to the Exploration Hosting server which will contain an exact copy of 
our chapter site insuring constant site availability. This should fix the 
problem we've had with site outages.

Today I worked with the Host Department Tech Support Team to fix a problem I 
was having with hosting for a paying client. Creating our chapter site 
mirror is next on the list. I have requests from at least one other state 
affiliate for a site mirror. I can provide this service to affiliates at no 
cost. Having a site mirror will enable us to fix many problems and to have a 
Web site that we can all be proud of. All the best.

Peter Donahue

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