[NFBSea] FW: Say no to Tim Eyman’s latest bad idea

Jacob Struiksma jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 05:58:31 UTC 2019

Passing on for your information

Say no to Tim Eyman’s latest bad idea


Say No on I-976 this November

No Images?  <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-e-pdktkjy-mwujukki-x/> Click here


It’s back to school season and roads and highways across Washington state that already congested are slowing down with the influx of traffic. If Tim Eyman gets his way, it’s about to get a lot worse.

Eyman is back with another bad idea for the November ballot, and this time he’s targeting our roads, highways, bridges, transit and ferries.

 <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-r/> Initiative 976 would slash 4 billion dollars of funding from cities and counties across the state, repealing critical transportation funding, eliminating our ability to fix dangerous highways, retrofit bridges and overpasses, fund transit, build voter-approved projects, improve freight corridors, and invest in the Washington State Patrol.


It's all hands on deck this fall!  <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-j/> We need your help spreading the word to stop Tim Eyman's statewide I-976 before people get their ballot this November. Support the No on 976 campaign and let Washingtonians know this bad plan would cut billions of dollars in local, regional, and state transportation funding, rolling back years of progress and stunting momentum for transportation in every corner of Washington. 

*        Spokane: At risk of losing $2.5 Million per year for Spokane Transportation District, North/South freeway project and regional bus service funding

*        Snohomish County: $16.6 million in state grants for local transportation projects, SR 525 pedestrian and Traffic improvements  plus Park and Ride expansion funding are at risk

*        Pierce County: Cuts Pierce Transit and Bus Rapid Transit expansion and funding to complete SR 167

*        Clark County: Funding for I-5 Bridge Replacement, SR 14 Widening, and the human services council employment transportation program are at risk

*        King County: Cuts $20 billion of voter-approved funding for Sound Transit, delaying light rail and bus rapid transit expansion and puts funding for I-405 widening and SR 520 west end project at risk

*        Plus repeals funding to support transit for low income communities, senior citizens and people with disabilities across the state.

Join us in keeping Washington rolling and saying NO to Tim Eyman’s I-976:

*         <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-t/> Endorse the No on I-976 campaign

*        Educate your friends!  <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-i/> Share factsheets and information in person and on social media

*         <mailto:kat at wecprotects.org?subject=Volunteer%20with%20No%20on%20976> Volunteer and get others involved in with the voter education efforts or ask your City Council to oppose I-976-we’ll tell you how to get started

*        Like and follow the No on I-976 Campaign on  <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-d/> Facebook &  <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-l-pdktkjy-mwujukki-h/> Twitter

With your help, we can get out the vote this fall and help Washington voters say NO to I-976.

In solidarity,

Kat Holmes
Field Director








Washington Conservation Voters
1402 Third Avenue, Suite 1400 | Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 631-2600 | info at wcvoters.org

You are subscribed to receive emails from Washington Conservation Voters.


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 <https://waenvironment.updatemyprofile.com/i-pdktkjy-9EA3AA69-mwujukki-c> Preferences  |   <https://waenvironment.cmail19.com/t/i-u-pdktkjy-mwujukki-q/> Unsubscribe 


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