[NFBSea] Fwd: Route 7 Transit-Plus - November 2020 Project Update

Jacob Struiksma jacobstruiksma at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 17:27:37 UTC 2020

Passing on for your information

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Seattle Department of Transportation <7TransitPlus at seattle.gov>
Date: Mon, Nov 16, 2020, 9:21 AM
Subject: Route 7 Transit-Plus - November 2020 Project Update
To: <jacobstruiksma at gmail.com>

Hello! We are reaching out to share the latest improvements that are almost
at the final design stage for the Route 7 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor
project. We also have an update from King County Metro about revenue
shortages and what that means for the RapidRide R Line
See below for more details.

Building off the input we received in 2018 and 2019, our design team
evaluated these previous project improvements
on cost, benefits, and feasibility. We're approaching final design and are
moving forward with this current map of improvements
expect to build these by 2023.

Click here to view a full map of proposed Rainier Ave S improvements
*What’s included?*

   1. *I-90 off ramp:* New pedestrian crossing and curb ramps for better
   access to the Judkins Park light rail station (planned to open in 2023);
   includes a “transit queue jump” to give buses a head start at the traffic
   2. *21st Ave S/S State St:* Curb bulb (extension of the sidewalk corner)
   to shorten this long pedestrian crossing and improve safety
   3. *S McClellan St to MLK Jr Way S: *Southbound bus lane (SDOT is also
   designing crossing improvements at MLK/Rainier as part of the MLK
   Protected Bike Lane
   4. *S Walden St:* Curb bulbs on the southwest and northeast corners as
   part of our Neighborhood Greenways program and upgrading the turn signal to
   separate people driving from people walking; this will address a crash
   pattern this location
   5. *S Brandon St:* Curb bulbs on the northwest and southwest corners
   6. *S Findlay St:* Refresh the existing “paint/post” curb bulbs and

*What’s not included?*

   - Due the significant revenue reductions related to COVID 19, the Route
   7 Transit Plus project proposed to cut $1 million from our approximately
   $9 million budget. This means we have been focusing on the transit safety
   and access improvements and would *no longer have funding for sidewalk
   repair* along Rainier Ave S. However, Seattle City Council has proposed
   to reinstate this budget, and if the funding becomes available, we will be
   able to add sidewalk repair back to our list of improvements.
   - We had been studying adding a northbound bus lane on Rainier Ave S
   between College and Grand streets that would have removed the center turn
   lane from that section and added new traffic signals at College and Grand.
   After considering the impacts to neighborhood access and other parts of
   Rainier, we decided to allow for continued analysis of transit priority
   treatments in this section in collaboration with King County Metro.

*What bus improvements are already happening?*
You may have noticed new bus lanes between Rainier Beach and Hillman City!
We worked closely with the Vision Zero team to improve safety on Rainier
Ave S and keep buses moving at the same time. See the Rainier Improvements


*RapidRide R Line project update*

Metro had planned to upgrade Route 7 to RapidRide R Line
by 2024. Unfortunately, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reduced
revenue and now requires Metro to pause RapidRide R Line until more funding
is available. They will be exploring ways to resume this project as soon as
possible. Visit the RapidRide R Line
webpage for more information.

The Seattle Department of Transportation is continuing to plan projects to
improve safety and mobility throughout Southeast Seattle. See our project
pages for more:

   - Accessible Mt Baker
   - Martin Luther King Jr Way Protected Bike Lane
   - Rainier Improvements - Phase 2
   - Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway and Stay Healthy Street
   - Rainier Valley Safe Routes to School
   - Route 7 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor

Feel free to contact us with questions:
*Phone*: 206-771-0481
*Email*: 7TransitPlus at seattle.gov

Thank you!

Sara Colling
Route 7 Transit-Plus project team

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SDOT Route 7- Transit- Plus Mutlimodal Corridor · PO Box 34996 · Seattle,
WA 98124-4996 · USA

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