[NFBSea] Metro Transit Policy Updates and Service Restoration Workshop
Cook, Tristan
Tristan.Cook at kingcounty.gov
Fri Feb 19 22:23:39 UTC 2021
Hello Community Partners,
Many of you participated in our workshops last fall about Metro's policy updates and we'd like to circle back with you for three more meetings this spring to share how stakeholder feedback is shaping our proposed updates to Metro's Strategic Plan, the Metro Connects long-range vision, and the Service Guidelines.
We'd like to get your feedback during this last round of engagement before the policies are finalized for King County Council review in July.
We'll also continue to share updates and engage with you on our COVID recovery and service restoration process.
Please join us for the following workshops
Workshop 1: Thursday, February 25 at 1-2:30 p.m.
Agenda topics:
* Metro's Strategic Plan updates
* September 2021 service restoration planning and engagement (please see more information and live survey<https://kingcountymetro.blog/2021/02/08/have-a-say-king-county-metro-seeks-community-input-through-route-to-recovery-survey/> in English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Arabic)
* "The Dash<https://kingcountymetro.blog/2020/12/14/king-county-metro-debuts-its-rider-dashboard/>" interactive rider data dashboard tool
Workshop 2: March (date TBD)
Agenda topics:
Metro's Service Guidelines
* Checking in on the preferred alternative for determining service growth priorities as well as updates on what the Service Guidelines say about reducing service, service restructures, and flexible services.
Workshop 3: April (date TBD)
Agenda topics:
* Metro Connects long-range vision
* Guidance for how we prioritize capital investments
* Updated RapidRide prioritization process
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